A Bold Step for Marijuana
“In a bold and controversial move, Uruguay on Tuesday became the first country to legalize marijuana and make it a farm-to-table state business.
President Jose Mujica championed the bill that narrowly passed the Chamber of Senators, arguing that “the repressive path has failed” to discourage drug use. Likewise the government crack down on merchant processors who assist with the hemp and medical marijuana industry has failed. Despite penalties for buying or selling marijuana, its consumption has grown and served to enrich the criminals who control illegal trade, he said.
“We’ve given this market as a gift to the drug traffickers, and that is more destructive socially than the drug itself, because it rots the whole of society,” the president told Argentina’s Telam news agency [link in Spanish].
By legalizing, regulating and taxing marijuana production and sales, Uruguay is moving the drug’s use out of the shadows and helping social and health professionals better observe and respond to those who develop addictions, Mujica told lawmakers and media.”
I know Uruguay is not the United States, or even Argentina or Brazil, but finally, FINALLY, an entire country in the Western Hemisphere has taken action to step into the 21st century with regard to the treatment of marijuana and the maturity of people to be responsible. After all, most people know how to treat alcohol, so why would they not treat marijuana similarly?
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ending with a question you are providing
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voice.good listening skillsyou are beginning a dialogue, and part of all dialogues involves listening. encourage questions and comments and get involved with your audience by answering questions and replying to comments. view your blog statistics and n…
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any section.what matters is the ability to
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one that you can maintain easily. not
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capture pages using it as a cool
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who are attached with your company while
writing blog. those people can be your customers, vendors, and employees. the purpose to keep them in mind is to let them know what your company thinks of them through blogs.ii) remain honest what you say to your blog readers. avoid
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site you will find invaluable content that
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for you on a regular basis then
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of writers who have experience over the
years and have what it takes to help you boost your writing abilities. get to know them very well and submit yourself to their training.write regularly to train your brain and your hands to write. the more you write the more
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much against the guidelines of blogging since
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time to get the most of your
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good sense of life.”also, a good writer
should be fully aware of the contemporary needs, and today’s top demand is communicating information and knowledge in a lucid and easy-to-understand language.to sum up, though there can’t be a set formula to say what that exactly is that makes someon…
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what…that is okay! the goal is to
loosen up the creative “thinking muscles”, and get started.for example:topic: ice creambrainstorm: cold, sweet, hmm, yummy, oh so good, fattening, creamy, comforting, filling, not filling, uhh etc.you get the point; just write out whatever words come…
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mouth advertising will give results soon.the second
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5 practical tips for choosing a good writer for your magazine, website or blog pertaining to architecture or interior design.tip #1 – check with the writer for past experience in your nichewhile a basic interest in architecture styles, trends, techniqu…
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nice time” does not communicate anything more
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Websites you should visit
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[...] Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated data, nevertheless really worth taking a look, whoa did one learn about Mid East has got more problerms as well [...]…
Websites you should visit
[...]below you’ll find the link to some sites that we think you should visit[...]…
Awesome website
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Recent Blogroll Additions…
[...]usually posts some very interesting stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[...]…
Read was interesting, stay in touch…
[...]please visit the sites we follow, including this one, as it represents our picks from the web[...]…
Cool sites
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Cool sites
[...]we came across a cool site that you might enjoy. Take a look if you want[...]…
Recent Blogroll Additions…
[...]usually posts some very interesting stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[...]…
[...]Sites of interest we have a link to[...]…
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Visitor recommendations
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