Hear that bugle? It’s the major media to the rescue!
For the past two months, since the launch of the ObamaCare website that was supposed to make buying health insurance an “Amazon-like” experience, we’ve heard and seen nothing but blood in the streets. The website is down, insurance getting cancelled, and on and on.
What you’re about to see is a pivot by the major media outlets as they pull out all the stops to save both ObamaCare and Obama. And in the process, the Democratic Party. Here’s Howard Kurtz.
These are the stories the embattled White House wants to see more of:
Henrietta Dean, a Kentucky grandmother who had to put off thyroid surgery, is “very excited” that she can get her operation now that she’s qualified for Medicaid, says the Louisville Courier-Journal.
Lissie Stahlman is saving 50 percent on her insurance premiums after signing up through a toll-free number, says the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
These are legitimate news stories about folks being helped by ObamaCare. They are being covered mainly by local news outlets…
The push is now on to get stories like this front and center in every local market and on the national news as well. More from Kurtz…
As the White House sees it, the media criticism of the program is warranted, but the other side of the story is barely being told at the national level. And that, officials believe, is presenting a distorted picture of the program.
Just what is the Obama campaign machine doing to get a willing and complicit media involved in saving their hallal bacon? About anything, as it turns out.
A self-proclaimed non-partisan organization has been given a $1.1 million grant to establish a database of ObamaCare “success stories,” as the Obama administration tries to rehab the law’s image amid the rocky rollout.
Families USA, which describes itself on its website as a non-profit dedicated to “the achievement of high-quality, affordable health care for all Americans,” received the $1,100,000 grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Oct. 4.
The grant, which was first reported by CapitolCityProject.com, is meant to help Families USA expand the database of “real people” sharing their stories of enrolling in ObamaCare.
Foundations are overwhelmingly about as far to the left as any organization you’ll find, and this one is no different. They’re pulling out the stops to coordinate “good news” with the administration as they work to “remarket and rebrand, and that will be challenging in this political environment…”, to quote the President.
The administration is pulling out all the stops to solicit as much front page coverage locally as they can get. What their hoping for is that overwhelming local coverage of people who have Ogood news will push the meme onto the national stage and they’ll have a sudden tidal wave of good press.
In the past month, Obama and his Cabinet have hit nine of the top 10 cities with the highest concentration of the uninsured, while senior administration officials have held almost daily reporter conference calls in nearly a dozen states to challenge Republican governors who refuse to expand Medicaid.
Those are the skirmishes, but here’s what the war looks like, and putting lipstick on this pig is going to require extraordinary effort from the Obama campaign machine and from their kneepad wearing media partners.
The smoking guns of lies and incompetence are everywhere, and can’t be ignored. But the media are still engaged in a conspiracy of silence to cover up for the fact that the worst of ObamaCare is yet to come.
Today, the only market being savaged by ObamCare is the individual market — those who buy insurance on their own. That represents about 5% of the population, or about 17 million people. What the media are covering up, though, is that the same catastrophe currently exploding the individual market is about to explode the employer-based market, which covers hundreds of millions of Americans.
So far, in the relatively tiny individual market, about 100,000 people have apparently signed up for ObamaCare and it’s likely that a very high percentage of those have moved to Medicaid. On the other hand over 3.5 million people have lost insurance plans they liked and have been forced into plans that cost more, have higher deductibles, don’t allow access to doctors or hospitals that they’ve been using, and cover things (like maternity care for me) that they don’t want or need.
We’re certainly going to hear about the “success” of the website servicing more people over the next few days and that will likely suck the oxygen out of the current news cycle as the administration claims success. [cue fireworks]
What you absolutely will not hear about is the number of people moved to Medicaid, the number of young people who’ve signed up, or the number of people who’ve actually paid for their plan. You also won’t hear anything about the quality of the client information that’s being transmitted to the actual insurers.
You also won’t hear questions from the major media directed at Obama or his flacks about the grandfather problems with the employer-based market that could cause another 40 to 95 million people to lose their insurance.
Now’s the time when we find out just how far the media will go to save their darling.