Lies, Deeds and Obamacare
The Party: Democratic
For years, President Obama promised millions of Americans with health insurance that “if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan” under his health care overhaul. He wasn’t the only one, either.
Back in 2009, several top congressional Democrats echoed the president’s assurances that those who were happy with their plans would be able to keep them.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said the health care overhaul efforts“means making sure you can keep your family’s doctor or keep your health care plan if you like it.”
Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin told the happily insured ”we are going to put in any legislation considered by the House and Senate the protection that you, as an individual, keep the health insurance you have, if that is what you want.”
And current Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray also said: ”If you like what you have today, that will be what you have when this legislation is passed.”
Greg Brannon (R) - Physician & Tea Party Activist
Jim Cain (R) – Ex-US Ambassador to Denmark
Ted Corriher (R) - Businessman & Fair Tax Activist
Terry Embler (R) - Police Officer & National Guard Veteran
Bill Flynn (R) - Radio Broadcaster & ’12 US Rep. Candidate
Heather Grant (R) - Nurse & Army Veteran
Mark Harris (R) - Pastor & Baptist State Convention President
Aaron O’Neal (R) - Businessman & Conservative Activist
Thom Tillis (R) - State House Speaker, Ex-Cornelius Town Commissioner & Retired Corporate Executive
Lynn Wheeler (R) - Ex-Charlotte City Councilwoman, Communications Consultant, Ex-TV News Reporter
The primary is May 6 and the runoff will be on June 14. For the purpose of disclosure, I am supporting Heather Grant for the nomination. As a Nurse Practitioner, I feel she has the understanding of the needs of the people at large as it relates to health care, and other middle class issues we face today.
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makes sense. it allows your readers to
understand your ideas, argument or main point without having to guess the who, what, when, where, why and how (5 ws and h).good writing: … makes you feel something, whether it is anger, sadness, eternal happiness or doubt…. takes the reader
to on a machine that doesn’t have
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initially slow, its steady and effective for
quality blog traffic. comment on other blogs and provide a link to a relevant post of yours that is on-topic. this is a great but under-utilized way of diverting prospective blog readers to your blog provided you have posted a topic
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and motivation, you also want to be
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you’d like.1. great contenta blogger should always
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allows me to see what operating system
the visitor was, now i’m happy. i can build up a large readership. i can use the great kind of material i was using in my wordpress blog, and i can realise not only my potential, but also the potential
the risk of spam. moreover it is
good etiquette to do this. if your comment is interesting or informative it itself will channel visitors to your site. so add quality comments, not tons of crap.tip iii: not more than one linki am at disagreement with many bloggers and
works out.links – while links are an
important part of many blog posts you may want to hyperlink terms related to the links rather than listing a bunch of links at the bottom of the post. this gives readers an idea of what they will find if they
great recipe for success. all you need
is passion, patience and persistency. with so many millions of sites out there, it can be a little overwhelming to know about the competition. it is important that you focus less on what others are doing and more on developing your
and then come up with 3-4 main
ideas for each title. now, it is important that you do this quickly as time is you’re most prized possession. just jot down whatever it is that comes to mind and do not worry about being perfect… perfection just slows you
sentence so the actual words convey why
the castle was beautiful:”the castle’s antique stones and the colorful vines growing up its sides made it beautiful, and its age and baroque grandeur left us in awe.”trying to be funny: too many beginning authors try to be funny, but they
content that relates to the theme and
url of your blog, your adsense ads will display relevant ads also. so if you own a blog about basketball, and you’re just writing about how to improve your vertical jump, you probably won’t get a lot of relevant ads that
best blogging platform is no easy task,
if you know how blogger and wordpress fares in your comparison scale, choosing is not that difficult at all. blogging is used in a number of different ways. it is so popular that it has become perhaps the best way to
from networks and not just straight lines.
one of my main goals is to connect with as many people as possible. not just follow them but find out about what they do and tell them about myself. a goal to have 50,000 twitter followers is good but there
topic that concentrates on a specific type
of people and age. in addition, the material you write should be good and not worthless. you have to make solid points, you have to be updated, and your information should always be right.keywords are the next big thing that you
which you can check your grammar mistakes.
such software are available online as well. moreover, you can hire an editor too, who can check your written piece and correct it. he can further guide you for the correction and improvement of your writing skills.many books are also available,
do so by making jokes we’ve all
heard before or trying to elaborate on something only mildly funny by exaggerating it. humor is extremely difficult to write and everyone’s sense of humor is a bit different. some people will find shakespeare or dickens funny, while others will prefer
generates more income for your business. whether
it is through more clicks to certain areas of your site or through having your site appear at the top of search engine results, effective blog writing can do wonders, just like joe m. movie’s fabulous camera crew helps him be
paragraphs with many phrases will make the
text unreadable.before writing anything on your blog, you should know that using lines, or bullet points instead of paragraphs when you mention things like specifications of products, make text more readable and users more happy to read all the things…
and by this you will think completely
different. #5 blogging mistake- using big words i can guarantee it that we have all, at some point made this mistake while blogging. the use of vocabularies is common to many bloggers. you can add vocabularies so that your post may
or any future lender, has an idea
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latest information that your customers want to
know about your products and services. if you think that this is going to take too much of your time, don’t worry. you can hire a blog writing service that can help you create quality articles to use on your business
traditional blog, a community portal, membership site,
e-commerce store, and on and on. if you can imagine it, there is probably a template which can just about any situation.3. plugins and widgets – blogger has plugins and widgets. but, the sheer quantity and quality available to wordpress is
you do.commitmentonce you’ve started commit to it
and follow through all the way till the end. make sure you have some end goals and targets you’re aiming towards otherwise you’ll never be sure as to where you’re heading or how far your commitment has to go.learn from mistakesas
to your audience.i hope this helps your
first steps in having your very own post: part two — how to monetize your blog writing a blog is so easy these days that you can even write to a blog the same way you write an email, then
are through affiliate programs promotion, paid reviews
and selling advertisements. you can place advertisements on the great blog sites to get money. this is a simple and free way to earn money in the internet.there are many blogs that can be found in the blogosphere. the question is
you.for the new internet marketer, you may
know what your niche is but still don’t know what exactly to write. the first thing to do is to make a list of about 10 topics within your niche. keep them as general as you can. within each general topic
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needs. setting up a comparison scale can
help you out in determining the most appropriate blogging platform.between wordpress and blogger, you should determine which one offers ease of set-up and use, customization and advanced use, and copyrights and ownership content among others.setting up…
somehow move the story forward in some
way, then you are missing out on a great opportunity. consider what others are doing, but don’t dwell on it. your site is your site, and it should be peppered with your own unique perspective. once you’ve got several ideas in
team for professional writers who will be
assisting you is writing posts.#12 blogging mistake- plagiarisms copying of other bloggers articles is called plagiarism. this act is illegal; it is an offense under the copyrights. some bloggers depend on copying and pasting instead of putting up thei…
it is said that there’s a book
inside everybody and so wordpress allows one to express oneself in a much more beautiful way. with a single bit of code to develop the typography of everyday writing wordpress was started in the year 2003. it’s a free blogging tool.
for your important thing to look
for in hosting websites is that they should provide you with the perfect platform for your blog. you need to have this in order to customize the functionality and look of your blog. wordpress is a really good option in this
matter: if you thought of the phrase,
chances are tons of others would type in the exact same thing. when choosing a blog template the question come up about blogger or wordpress. they want to know which is at this point i could list all the pros,
their lives will fine tune their skills.
do you think you can’t be in the same room with your husband? is that the reason why you filed a divorce? so what now? what do you do after that divorce? you definitely deserve a good pat at the back.
people won’t be afraid of mentioning you
to their friends.a great way to build a rep as a good writer and blogger is to guest post on other blogs and get a name in your niche. e-mail a bunch of blog owners in your niche and ask them
and now reality is setting in. suddenly,
you look down and realize you must do something to get back into shape so you search for the best diet post pregnancy. it is interesting how while pregnant we do not notice the extras as much, as after we give
a writer. anyone can write, but not
everyone can write well. since writing is more than just speaking out thoughts and involves a creative perspective and approach to things, much of the skill has to be learned.myth: a good writer can always get published. fact: books, journals, news
you prefer. remember, article writers that have
a vast knowledge about all types of content are the ones that are titled the the end you just have to try different methods of article writing. since there is no magic formula for content writing, you just have to
failure and defeat for you to be
able to accept that there are things that you need to do perfect your skills.find a writer’s group near you and join them. this group will consist of writers who have experience over the years and have what it takes to
and desires of their readers. doing this
is a huge mistake. don’t fall for this trap! make sure that you know exactly what people want to read. go to the relevant blogs and forums in your niche that are discussing the hottest topics. in fact, you want to
slowly taking over the search engine business.
everything is on facebook; shoppers, service providers, and even large companies are maximizing the benefits of facebook and employing some facebook marketing. use facebook to advertise your business or to sell your products and to make money online ea…
your blog for all kinds of other
wonderful reason besides your great content. remember those ‘beautiful adsense ad blocks, the exciting banners and helpful, clickable links’ in tip # 2? how are they going to “enhance” anybody’s experience especially your own? (if you know what i…
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to search out difficulties to enhance my web site!I suppose its ok to help make use of a few of the principles!!
learn from your failures and mistakes? then
become an affiliate marketer, and promote products and services online.making money as an affiliate marketer is not simple, but it is possible. if you know how to do it, you can make a good passive income very quickly.become a blogger do
and by this you will think completely
different. #5 blogging mistake- using big words i can guarantee it that we have all, at some point made this mistake while blogging. the use of vocabularies is common to many bloggers. you can add vocabularies so that your post may
currently asking. but as you become more
experienced and skilled, you can easily get a job in the future that is truly worth your time and effort. and just like other professional bloggers who have already established their presence online, you’ll soon find yourself branching out into other
expresses that. even if you are the
“wallflower” type, if you think about it, you make a contribution that is valuable. you might be the person who is putting out all the office “fires.” that translates to more than being a team player and can be stated in
of his own thoughts. when a blogger
writes, he is not just asking someone to read, but he is trying to capture the reader to become a regular of his writing. while looking for a consultant, it is essential to know the things he applies in attracting his
or spelling errors? do you have a
minimum typing speed? if you have all these then don’t worry. you can easily get a job online as a freelancer. this is a better way to earn money remaining at the place where you are.when you think of a taking
b, you’ll never reach point b. being
a precocious student (but not particularly good at math), i challenged this theory.the teacher did exactly the right thing in response. he had me come up to the front of the room and face a wall about 10 feet away. then
a lot of them also share my
stuff with their followers. but because i was on twitter all the time, i had less time to spend on facebook and other blog commenting.i now learned that leveraging social networks is much better than just focusing on one specific channel.
great with their blog. ask them to
e-mail you back for more details. not everyone will respond but those who do will be interested. i like to e-mail about three blog owners a day so i don’t get overwhelmed with responses. make it a habit of doing this
you to control how your material will
appear. and all of the blogging software you can find lets you arrange how the search engines will find your posts and use them. in other words, every blogging program does the job you want can forget the seo arguments
the fact. how many have watched the
montage of the baja racers crashing into the crowd of spectators? the fame factor is diluted into one crowd of people, but just the same it was a famous event for all them that was shared.try writing a blog. many people
well written post not only gains the
respect and favor of the reader, but also makes the blog seo-friendly (check the last tip: seo).6. make it look nice: images, graphics, bulletswhen you first looked at this article and saw the numbering of the tips, i bet you just
one is considered to be the best
blog hosting service provider for its highly optimized features for monetizing purposes of blogging. major users of this provider include cnn, uk prime minister and b5media inc. it has quite a few plug-ins that are not present with the previous best
no choice but to write about that
certain topic. now the problem in this scenario is the tendency of a writer to poorly perform or refuse to write due to his lack of interest in the assigned topic. what should be done? be flexible like how a contortionist
you want to harvest some of their
time, you need to be thinking here. indeed i hope you will consider all this, and think on it. there is an extensive variety of avenues to make passive income on the internet. many people have started by making a small
adapt to many changes. sometimes you will
realize that things don’t turn out the way you planned. this is not the result of poor preparation, it’s just the way world works. being able to adapt to change may well be one of the greatest keys to success. blog
networking strategies to promote your writing. the
more traffic you get to your online work, the more companies you’ll have approaching you to write for are some additional tips when setting up your portfolio:1. set up a professional web page with your resume, contact information, and some
use blogging as a way of having
their voice heard. this can make you famous in contemporary society. moreover, if you use your blogs to help others in a market segment then your followers will gladly make you famous, and you never know they might even go on
use to find coders, web designers, writers
and other professionals, or you can check out freelance writing service websites and deal with them directly. the disadvantage of using an outsourcing website is that both you and the writer have to pay fees to use their services. this cuts
was there, look for it. you can
take steps to put that rss feed to work for you, there are many sites out there that accept rss feed submissions, aggregate your feed with other feeds and help you to distribute your content.readers will see your feed on other
format your comments. it’s important to remain
consistent as you post comments throughout the blogs your selected. brand yourself by always using the same name and same email address. i also use my self-appointed title as a part of my name to give readers a quick view of
wordpress blog theme customization because it is
highly easy to install and upgrade. most of times, it works as a complete online store management tool. by using the particular web application, a person can customize and integrate the wordpress powered blog theme as per his business i…
blog to make money online. the first
thing we need set up is a domain. this is another highly debated theory as one group say a catchy name is important while another group of people say it is all about the keywords. when i did a google search,
as you write the book, you will
have your readers in mind so you will know what questions they will have, what problems they want solved, or what kinds of characters and settings in a novel will appeal to them. all of that is marketing and all of
their hosting provider lays out for them,
and sometimes, if it’s a real cheap provider they aren’t given much at all to deal with and have to use what the host allows.there are many different blogging software’s available; the top used ones are wordpress, joomla, and drupal. however
sure to promote your blog as well
as producing great articles to ensure that your blog has the best chance of success.using videos will make your blog more interesting. do not rely exclusively on videos, though; you should still have plenty of written content. be sure to include
possible. you have blogging, article marketing, social
marketing, video marketing, seo, viral marketing, joint ventures, and even starting your own affiliate program. all of these things are things that you can do in your business starting right along with blogger, there’s another blogging platfo…
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