Election Day 2013
There are two governors’ races which will, depending on the outcomes, could have significant ramifications on national politics in the next few years. The races in New Jersey and Virginia have been focal points, certainly, all year long.
In Virginia, long-time Clinton associate Terry McAuliffe is running against current Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, who gained national fame as one of the Attorneys General who brought suit against the constitutionality of Obamacare in 2010. Mr McAuliffe is looking to be the first governor elected since 1977, whose party occupied the White House at the time of the governor’s election.
Should McAuliffe win, the Clinton star power will prove to burn as bright and as hot as ever. With a McAuliffe win, look for Hillary to end the speculation and announce her candidacy for the Democrat nomination well before Christmas this year. No one will dare challenge the Clinton machine this time. And if he wins with this strategy, look for it to be used by the Democrats, nationally in 2014.
But should Mr Cuccinelli pull off an upset win, the Clinton people will be, perhaps, mortally wounded politically, causing the Clintons to rethink their strategy. That will be a huge consequence for 2016, and Hillary’s future ambitions.
In New Jersey, Gov Christie is being challenged by State Senator Barbara Buono, whose campaign has been that “Christie is running for President. I am running for Governor.” This actually is not that far from the truth.
But, the Governor has been a voice of moderation in New Jersey politics. He has to be; it is a very blue state and he has shown that he can work with Democrats in the state legislature to get business done, unlike the President and both parties in the Congress.
While the polls show that the Governor has a commanding lead over Senator Buono, as with anything in politics, nothing is certain until all the votes are counted. If Buono upsets Christie in this election, there is no chance the Republican Party would even consider him for dog catcher, let alone President, in 2016. Then, the party will be in disarray as it searches for a nominee. And a repeat of the nightmare of 2012 will be its future.
So, friends, it is Election Day in these United States. This is the day you get to be heard, by your vote, and people must listen. But if you fail to exercise your constitutional right and duty, and you don’t like the result of the election, you have only yourself to blame. And you really have no right to complain.
Vote early and sit back to watch democracy truly at work. No other country does it with such drama and flair. And thank heaven, the Fates, the aliens, or whatever, that you were born here to bear witness to such a wonderful event, without fear or reprisal for your choices.
That alone is worth the price of your ballot.
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you are able to find recent posts
and comments, and stats of how many visitors have visited your blog. you can as well access all the tools and settings in this page.if you wan to add a new post in your wordpress blog, you must click the posts
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standard html version because of security concerns.creating
blogs are as simple as typing an email. you basically develop the content and send it to the web server. once complete, it’s directly printed to your page and displayed there for a period of time.what are other benefits to creating
very important step to create a blog.step
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common words and shorter sentences, and presenting
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get someone else to blog for you! list a few of your favorite websites and tell why you like them and why your readers will too. give reasons you like social media (or not!) write about someone who inspires you. do
my keywords and write down “what kind
of person would type in these keywords.”for example: the keywords for this article are “tips for writing blogs.” what kind of person would type that in?- someone who has already been writing blog posts, but not generating enough leads. – someone
and take a “risk.” as a result,
discipline problems are not so much a threat to teachers’ classroom management because they’ve got the class already hooked.encourage students to tell their storiesby telling stories, you are also giving students “permission” to tell their own stor…
taken by these people? the answer to
this question is very simple if you follow the six easy steps below.1. before writing a blog post, do a key word research. the reason why you should do a key word research is that, people search the solution on the
the wrong things as well. controversy is
one of the most popular crowd pullers.bring a surprise element: people are loaded with pre conceived notions and ideas. surprise them by doing things differently or do the opposite of something you would normally do. you are sure to grab eyeballs
take inspiration by the horns!in short, the
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relationships through your writing. you have to
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until finished. you don’t have to write
a blog about food to have a great recipe for success. all you need is passion, patience and persistency. with so many millions of sites out there, it can be a little overwhelming to know about the competition. it is important
and way. go read a book and
share the main points. you could write around one point in a book. writing what you liked about the point and what you dislike about the point. you could write a product review. you could share how you using it. write
of products and services your clients are
interested in.structure your content for your target prospects web visitors do not read online content as they would on newspapers and magazines. for this reason, structure your content efficiently for web reading. depending on your business niche, ens…
of traffic to your blog.create some social
media profiles that will connect you to a network of other users. if people check out your profile on a regular basis, this could generate interest. twitter especially, has great potential for blog promotion, as you can gather thousands of followers
to find will be wordpress. a blog
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your home work well and concentrate on
blog content that will attract target prospects. the language used, keywords, titles and even graphics should be of the finest quality. with quality content, you can rest assured that your website or blog will achieve top ranking in different search en…
flash overloads as they slow down the
loading of the page and the reader will leave the site.7. urls – your urls must include the keywords and are vital just like the titles.these are simple techniques used by seo to make your blog successive. when you are thinking
so.myth: a good writer is someone of
intelligence. fact: good writers are people with creativity. they know how to approach a common, mundane topic in a different perspective that makes it uniquely interesting to people. there are a number of intelligent and successful entrepreneurs, scie…
is a positive quality for choosing a
writer who can deliver on your long term vision for the magazine, website or blog you own, it is essential you hire a writer with experience in your particular niche.writers with mainly health articles, financial articles, seo articles experience to th…
successful motion picture. the book has become
a success because the quality of the writing itself marketed the book, and that writing was good because the author worked very hard to create engaging characters and situations for her book. she also had help from agents and writing coaches
for your website.however, being a guest blogger
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skilled administrative assistant rapidly rising on the corporate career ladder should become an avid reader of limousine blogs, gleaning essential information to make her boss’s business travel as comfortable and speedy as she possibly can. habituated…
and learn how to write headlines that
grab the attention of target prospects. use viral titles because they are effective and are the most crucial point of contact with your target prospects. the content should be professionally structured for skimming. additionally, use images that add mo…
years without needing one, or had a
lengthy executive career. in fact, this may come as a shock, but most people really don’t do themselves justice on paper, no matter what their situation.your resume has a challenging job to do in order to get you into an interview.
for such a high price that, most
of the time, you either keep the writings pending or you simply do a rough write up which definitely is not going to be interesting for your audience. the best solution for you is to enter the market of the outsourced
and leave your reader rolling his eyes.short
and concise: i could go on, listing many more things not to do, but i want to be short and concise before i alienate my reader. in summary, strive for good communication. if you’re unsure about a phrase or word you
to interact and talk with your readers,
not just at them. a successful blogger is in touch with his/her readers. they form relationships and don’t have a post it and forget it mentality. being in touch with your community in this sense can actually help all of the
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visitors from around the globe.there’s two simple platforms available with regards to successful blogging: wordpress and blogger. these two alternatives have benefits and drawbacks. prior to you making your choice, you need to study the positives and…
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