Court Marshal Sexually Assaults Woman, In Front Of Judge,Then Arrests Her
This isn’t California news, it happened in Clark County Nevada, but hugely disturbing.
The video below is disturbing to say the least as a court “Marshall” sexually assaults a women, who pleads to be assigned a female officer, is ignored by the judge sitting right there, tuned away and playing with the victims daughter.
The victim complains about the assault to the judge, then is arrested by court officers because she refuses to recant her sexual assault complaint.
According to the news report, multiple employees and managers at the county family court are under investigation for covering up an assault by a court Marshall.
After a six-month internal investigation, court Marshall Ron Fox was fired for the incident seen below.
cops think they can do anything when the people tell the truth they better listen to them why should we lie some cops are good and some are bad
Very truth statement Cass County Missouri will violate your Civil Rights and make up charges. and down right lie on the Stand. I have Proof. Tried to sue and the Attorney General is there friend, because he use to be the DA in that county. My case never made it to trial, I had to days to have my day in court and the federal judge threw it out after all most three years. It was fixed from the top down to my Attorney. there is no justice when someone violate your Rights. Yes, if people say this is done it happens.
HA! I used to live in Cass County. Harrisonville. What a hick town. This is the way it is in small communities. everyone knows each other and everyone comes down on the side of their buddy that they have know since Jr. High. They are white trash scum in that town. Move to KC.
Just FYI, court Marshall’s are NOT cops. I know someone that tried to get on with law enforcement for years and couldn’t but you bet your ass he got hired as a court Marshall.
Maybe where you’re from but in Clark County Nevada, where this took place, They are Law Enforcement usually attached to the Sheriffs office.
In nv are Law Enforcrment and just as big as as- ho== as on the streets.
We don’t have “court marshals” here in TN. We have “bailiffs”. And, it is my understanding that under the TN state law, bailiffs must be POST certified police officers. I guess each state is different.
It is just like in any job NOT just cops…..there are people who do their job and then their are people who make others look bad because they can not do their job ……
I understand the sentiment, but plumbers don’t arrest people and cooks don’t carry guns.
that guy wasn’t a cop… he was a fake cop, just a court marshal, thus why he could not arrest her… only the actual cop who was instructed to arrest her could.
side note:… she’s hot. marshal probably wanted to cop a feel, which is not cool. don’t know what the judge was doing… sorry, hearing master… not judge..
All cops are bad. Don’t kid yourself. Some cops are corrupt, power-hungry bastards, and other cops are blind followers of a corrupt system. ‘Good’ cops are as much a part of the problem as ‘bad’ cops; in fact, they might be worse, because they serve as a convenient excuse.
You’re an idiot.
the judge should be fired too!! the witch didn’t do a thing just ignored it its like she knew he was doing this.
You spelled Bitch wrong
so what
You spelled cunt wrong
I agree with Cici! The judge was a participant in the crime. She is more than a witch!
You are 100% correct.
Yes, absolutely! I watched the whole thing through just to see if that happened. This woman should SUE! Sue the judge, sue that allowed this crap to go on, sue the whole system that backed it up! An illegal arrest over a made-up “law”! CRAP!
I hope she gets a good lawyer and a good realtor and start looking for million dollar mansions in Nevada. Unbelieveable.
Troy I was thinking the same thing while watching. That Judge has no right being on the bench.
agreed! What a dirt bag of a woman for just sitting there!
The just sat there??? WTF!???
The Judge is the one that should be fired..alone with the Marshall,She should have said something but she turned her back,..She will stand before her Judge one day too !
I agree completely. The judge should have been sanctioned and fined for her crap behavior.
Absolutely, the Judge, or whatever the title is, who presides over the court room, MUST have control of the court at all times. For her to look away, and pretend, pretend not to notice what was going on, is the same as telling the officer it was ok to do what he did.
[...] Accuse a Marshal of sexual assault? Get arrested: Court Marshall Sexually Assaults Women, In Front Of Judge,Then Arrests Her [...]
The headline is highly misleading. The story clearly states that the marshal took her into a separate waiting room, not that he assaulted her “in front of the judge.”
The headline is not “highly” misleading it’s “mildly” misleading. Are you trying to excuse the non-action of this judge?
I don’t think anyone is excusing the judge, but there is definitely a huge difference between ignoring something that she saw with her own eyes, and ignoring an allegation of wrongdoing made by someone who has a very good reason to lie.
And how, exactly is an “allegation of wrongdoing” a CRIME that you get ARRESTED for? How the hell could a judge allow someone to be arrested for making an accusation? Arrested by the man being accused, no less?
What was her reason to lie? She wasn’t up on charges; it was family court, & she was there to get a _divorce_.
why do you assume she has a reason to lie? She was in front of the so called judge for 2mins for a divorce decree, which means she wasn’t there for any illegal activity so I don’t understand your statement? This is why people hate courts because of people like you who just assumes she’s in court for illegal reasons, get a life dude!!
She had no reason whatsoever to lie! WTF are you talking about when you say “someone who has a very good reason to lie”?
She was there for a divorce matter, she was not at any point going to jail or even in any trouble. She asked for a female marshall, which is a VERY easy an normal accompidation for any court to make.
typo fix: VERY easy and normal accommidation for any court to make.
yeah cause doing it in a separate room is ok for u, right?, some people are just idiots who pay attention to the most meaningless facts, cause i hope u r not trying to excuse that fucker , you are a woman too and could be in that situation, she was there for a divorse case and ended up being touched and arrested by that scum bag who was supported by that incompetent judge who should be fired as well !
Thank you! I was expecting to see what the headline said, that she was sexually assaulted in front of the Judge, which did not happen, making the headline false. It is still bad, but why lie to make it seem worse?
Dirty cops need a piano dropped on their head! Who is holding this rotten judge accountable?
That’s a good question! what a disgusting Judge to turn her back on this,…shame on her!!
judges are elected. not going to be fired.
She can be suspended by the Nevada Commission on Judicial Discipline until her re-election and they can also suspend her indefinitely. It’s not like they can’t be removed from the bench once they get there. They aren’t untouchable.
The judge wasn’t untouchable. She was fired.
Glad to hear that Beth. Her callous disregard of this woman’s pleas hurt my heart even more than the Marshall’s actions.
Good to know, thank you for sharing the news.
i hope she sues their ass off
Oh, my, he was fired? What a terrible punishment YOU FREAKING ASSHOLE. How about a little jail time, too?
you are right he should pay in jail time for all the poeple he put into jail to cover up his ass!
That sounds right. Most sex offenders are put in jail for their punishment, so getting fired plus throw the scumbag behind bars might make him wish he had NOT conducted a drug search on a woman, by himself, for a divorce case. Plus I hope that judge manages to get herself molested by some degenerate and when she goes to a judge, the judge she’s in front of totally ignores her.
OMG I’m sick about that..They need to put the JUDGE in jail! She was a real piece of work.
Why isn’t this judge fired too??? This is sickening.
If those judges are elected, the woman and a lawyer ought to look into a recall of the judge.There must be a method.
Yes the worst person is the judge that sat there and did nothing! She’s a woman too!!!! Woman need to stand up together to fight against perverts like this! That judge should be fired and everyone in that room!
@Kaylyn ….absolutely!!! that’s her court room, she is suppose to control it, she could have handle it but instead she plays dead… she a disgust to our gender!!!
Should hang them both in the town square…….
both cops and the judge should be sent to prison and made to live in the general population! Hopefully they would be in with a bunch of hard core prisoners that know they are scumbags and give them some prison justice! These are the kind of assholes that
gives good cops and judges a bad name!!!!!!
… and be sexually assaulted there too!
u got that right
Both cops and the judge should ALL be in PRISON!!!!
My sentiment EXACTLY – I left the same comment at my friends post on Fb, and as a few have said, with the rest of the Prisoners!
“Beth” has claimed that the Judge was “fired”, hopefully we can get a follow-up. I really feel awful for that woman feeling soo damned helpless, and her own child trying to defend her
And SHE got her daughter taken away for “6 months”!? WTF?
Man , i think if that were my wife or daughter trying to explain what happened and being arrested …. i would be takin someones head off !!!!
this sucks a big one they should all be held accountable and face charges just like anyone else and the pervert marshall want’s to sue to get job back when he should be in jail facing charge’s
Please !!!! The Judge MUST be fired…I have never seen anyone as cold as she was…
if i tried to piss on someone and nobody stoped me i guys that ok too then.
The judge should have been de-barred! oh my golly! The judge is the guiltiest of all! The judge just let the marshall arrest hear. I can’t believe she’s not the first one to be put to jail! She didn’t even say anything. How can she STILL be under investigation? just because she’s a judge? any body in her right mind can see that she was the guilty one. She’s the judge and let a crime happen before her very eyes. She was a witness, she heard everything and yet she chose not to let the ABUSE happen. The judge is evil!
Totally agree. This whole thing looked like exactly what happens in thousands of abusive households that this judge passes judgment on all the time. A man is abusing a woman and the woman just averts her eyes, plays with the child and does nothing, even though it’s her courtroom and she has the most authority in the room. Whatever it is about her psychology or situation that made her do that, she is not fit to serve and needs to be fired and disbarred. The marshall needs to go to prison for sexual assault under color of authority, threatening to arrest, false arrest and the courthouse needs to be sued under a whole bunch of civil rights violations. This is unbelievable.
You said it. She could have stopped it at any time. Some “sisterhood.” Oh, and “I’ll play with you little girl but won’t do anything to help your mom…. oh and then I’ll stick you in protective services too kid.” Those three would have made perfect little Gestapo troops. Fire and jail all of them, or better yet just get three good strong ropes and a tall tree.
The Judge needs to be Disbarred and charged, thats insane.
Better get used to stuff like this … if you keep letting Obama do shit like the Boston Bombing false flag.
you are sssssssssssssooooooooooooooooo RIGHT Bendavvis!!!!
OMG. You’re going to try to blame this miscarriage of justice on President Obama? No wonder our country is more divided than its ever been. EVERYTHING is President Obama’s fault! What a “boneheaded” comment.
I agree with you karen, I don’t like Obama, but He’s not to blame here, THIS is why OUR COUNTRY is in such shambles!! Because we try to shift blame instead of holding the guilty parties accountable for their actions.
That is such a ridiculous statement….
Fired the justice and prosecute the marshall for sexual assault
That judge needs to be striped naked, tarred, and feathered and then made to run down the main street!!!! Then she needs to be stripped and imprisoned without any clothing. What a coward!!!!
what the hell is wrong with that jerk of a Judge ????who turns a literal blind eye to all this??? no t an ounce of integrity among any of them! but then again Vegas PD has a horrible reputation for being extremely abusive towards their citizens…you know the taxpayers who pay your salary,..yea, those citizens..I seen where a cop killed a girl right in the police station…this was on TV…I know its a stressful job to be a cop, but if you can’t handle it get a job in a funeral parlor at least they are already dead & you don’t have to worry about them talking back, and we know how much cops hate sas…some will kill you over it…
Something needs to be done to judge. Uncalled for.
She’s in court for a routine divorce why in the hell would you get a body search for that???its not an effing crime to get a divorce.. never have I heard of a divorce case where a person is treated like a criminal! and the actions or should I say lack of actions, of that rotten judge is unbelievable!!!! she’s as sick as the pervert Marshall trying to “cop a feel.”…no wonder they’re called pigs!!
Very well said Cricket.
Okay people, having been a Deputy Marshal (please note the correct spelling of the title), in California for 20 years, I want to correct two things about this article and the comments following. The first is the spelling of the title of those who, at the Federal, State and County levels all know, Marshal is only spelled with ONE “L”. The spelling with two “L”s is for a name.
Second, depending on the laws of the State or County, these positions are full law enforcement positions with the authority to perform all the duties of the city police, county sheriffs, highway patrol and so on.
As a result, I arrested people in the court when they committed crimes like theft, witness intimidation, battery, perjury and so on. I wrote reports on my arrest just like I did when I was a police officer for a city before I transitioned to the Marshal’s Department for the County. I’ve done both jobs and speak from personal experience.
I did it for family purposes and it was a great decision. On the police department I worked various shifts, different days off and would have to sleep during the day due to working nights. I was subject to being called in at any time when more personnel were needed.
While working as a city police officer, I was assigned to be the Court Liaison Officer to take cases to court, coordinate witnesses for trials and more. I met many of the Marshals in the courtrooms and found out they were making more money than I was, working on Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm and had weekends and holidays off. It was then I decided that to be a better husband and dad, I needed to make the change.
Best decision I ever made. Eventually, I was assigned to a courthouse only two miles from my home. It was from there that I finally retired.
Today, California no longer has Deputy Marshals manning the courts because the Sheriffs’ Departments in the counties got the Judges in the courts to allow the Marshals Departments to be merged with them. This was too bad for a variety of reason I won’t discuss with this post. It was done for political reasons so the Judges at the lower court levels could be promoted to Superior Court Judges. This gave them better salaries, more power and greater retirement plans. The Judges got what they want as did the Sheriffs in all of the California counties.
So, please spell the title correctly and understand that in most instances, the Marshals ARE full fledged law enforcement officers. Thanks for your time and I hope you learned something from me.
Looking at the video, there were two Deputies in the courtroom. The one in the yellow appears to be a backup Deputy. The one in the tan uniform appears to be the court bailiff. It was the Deputy in yellow that was doing the searching and was accused of the “sexual assault”. He was the one who directed the bailiff to handcuff the woman and take her into custody while he continued to search her purse and other item.
This is the Deputy that was fired and is suing to get his job back. The search was conducted outside of the Judge’s presence. The Judge was focused on the woman’s child and was not paying attention to the woman or her complaints. The Judge should have told the woman to take her complaint to the Deputy’s supervisor and proceed from there. This was initially a personnel matter that could lead to criminal prosecution of the Deputy.
Now it will all have to filter through the personnel/internal affairs investigation before it goes further. The Deputy was wrong, acted criminally and deserves all that the system can prove on him.
However, not all of us should be judged on the acts of a few “bad” cops. Yes, their out there, just as there are bad mechanics, bad car salesmen, bad “whatever” you want to consider. We all, at sometime or another treat others in ways we shouldn’t. There are a lot of really good people in law enforcement who deserve better consideration than the remarks made here.
Way to tow the thin blue line and make excuses for a court officer that should have spoken up. The on ein yellow is CLEARY a marshal as his shirt (which you probably cant read since you clearly cant spell or use correct grammar) says MARSHAL on it. The one in tan is a Clark County Sheriff and should have, in accordance with the law, told the Marshall he had no legal authority to arrest the woman as there is no “false accusation” law and the woman was had no legitimate charge.
I expect nothing more from a cop though. It’s clear from your post you have the IQ of a retarded monkey. You don’t even know the difference between their, they’re and there even though for the past 20 years of internet the lesson has been hammered home a few million times.
We certainly did Marshal Marshall, Pity you had to write a novel to explain about the spelling!
it didn’t make any change , to me, that Marsa”L” still has to be in jail for that abuse and the ones before that,the fact that marshal is spelled with only one l doesn’t change a thing ,or does it? just learned that u don’t have to be too smart to be a marshal.
and two step side step
How did this get to be about YOU? Thanks for the spelling lesson but your comments were worthless.
Who the f*ck cares how it’s spelled or what you did for a career. This is relevant to this article about a woman being assaulted and wrongfully arrested, how?
The word “transition” is a noun,not a verb,moron.
I for one appreciate that Jay, good luck to you.
BAD luck to those “3″ who ruined the life of a young single Mother.
What does that have to do with ANYTHING?? The scumbag should still go to jail, along with the idiot “judge”!
Why do courts, cops, etc. all get to investigate themselves when someone complains? Oh, right, because they have a monopoly on “justice.”
the judge needs to be reprimanded as well..
Cops are the worst, especially those within detention centers & other places separated from the general public where they needn’t fear accountability in the light of day. They are evil, blood-sucking worms that delight in the misery & oppression of others. Generally speaking, people become police officers because they’ve never received respect. As most people are civil, this is a strong indication that they simply are not respectable to begin with, & after receiving the power of a badge & gun, they become rotten to the core.
Everyone in that room or who had anything to do with covering it up deserves to lose their job & be charged with sexual assault themselves. If a person helping to hide a body can be found guilty of murder or a similar charge, then these people who’s job it is to protect this woman should be held accountable to the utmost extent of the law.
Arrest the judge too.
Patricia Doninger
Domestic Violence Commissioner Eighth Judicial District Court-Family Division Administration
Family Courts & Services Center
601 N. Pecos Rd., 3rd Fl
Las Vegas NV, 89101
Phone: (702) 455-2434
Fax: (702) 455-5551
Judicial Assistant: Mary Williams, Legal Secretary
July 6 at 12:32am · Edited · Unlike · 1
The shameful judge who looked the other way, is Domestic Violence Commissioner. What a hypocrite, and why was she not fired. Evil sitting in high places.
this is her info I got from another site
Patricia Doninger
Domestic Violence Commissioner Eighth Judicial District Court-Family Division Administration
Family Courts & Services Center
601 N. Pecos Rd., 3rd Fl
Las Vegas NV, 89101
Phone: (702) 455-2434
Fax: (702) 455-5551
Judicial Assistant: Mary Williams, Legal Secretary
I think she was fired per this article someone posted: – which is WONDERFUL news!
This story is one of corruption by all concerned. The Judge is definitely unfit for office and should also be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The Marshal should be Gaoled for sexual assault and the police Officer sacked for not investigating the mothers complaint. American injustice at its best! That another reason I will never visit the USA!
rednecks? This happened in Vegas.
Ever been to Vegas? Redneck fits just fine.
in a world with REAL justice,someone should terrorize them and violate their rights behind closed doors,and see how they like it,the arrogance of these pricks is unmatched,they deserve to die in a fire.Especially the Judge.she is not only a woman,but should represent common sense in the courtroom as the controlling authority figure.F them
The Judge should have been dismissed as well!
This is disgusting. I hope that criminal officer was thrown in jail.
Actually, Michael Moore, evolution isn’t the reason the modern Barbarian Ruling Elites take away people’s means of defending themselves from tyrants, that would be devolution at work there. And the US Constitution is a good instrument for defending against tyranny because it recognizes man’s tendency toward centralizing power in the hands of a few “enlightened” individuals, who turn out to be not so much enlightened as they are monstrous.
Just to clarify a couple things for you all…
The older officer is Las Vegas Metro PD.
The judge (can’t remember her name right now) is relatively new, I remember her face plastered all over vote for me signs in 2010 for family court judge.
And… in a study of police corruption that I read, LVMPD and NLVPD are BOTH in the top ten most corrupt in the nation for large forces.
We have experienced their outlandish behavior personally in the decade we have lived here, but it’s apparently rare for tourists to be harassed because then they don’t come back. Take heed and be careful when you visit the land of Harry Reid.
IT HAPPEN TO MY DAUGHTER AND ME BY TROOPER STEVEN DAVIS OF TOLLAND CT I was red flagged and the other troopers harassed me with bogus charges on a monthly bases
Wow, that judge really should step down or get forced to step down. This is no way to behave for a judge to just look the other way and pretend she doesn’t know what is going on.
Morgan and Moore in the same article…..that’s too much stupid in one place! Both of these morons should pack their bags and start their own community somewhere far far away!
Fox needs to be listed as a sex offender for the rest of his life. He’s scum. The judge needs to go back working the streets as she did before becoming a judge. Clark County is as crooked as they come.
“Looks like he system preys on the vulnerable” sickening as usual!
That is horrible and it’s not just there.It’s everywhere.
Judge needs to be removed from the bench too, unconscionable. Sue that court.
He was just fired? that’s it? That’s No punishment! being fired is just the logical FIRST step. He committed a crime.
The “judge” should be sacked, alongside the bent court “Marshall” whom appears to be a sexual offender sent to jail, and with fat humpty of a Sheriff being retired off and sent back to the Shriners.
The judge, marshall and the bailiff all should be fired and arrested for assault. THE JUDGE SHOULD BE THROWN FROM THE BENCH & DISBARRED forever in all states. What a complete abuse of authority not to mention having the gaul to claim it is a “personal” matter. It is a public matter. So how’s that hope & change working out?
“Fox’s court filings claim “…the Marshall’s arrest (of the woman) was just, because nobody in the courtroom tried to stop him.” If that isn’t a damning indictment of that Judge, then there is no Law in Colorado, only raw power in robes and uniforms.
Print the name of the Marshall
That Kangaroo Judge is some real credit to the “Sisterhood.” What a worthless bunch of Scumbags, they would have fit in with the Nazis.
In your final paragraph, it reads; “their out there,” – it should read “They’re” or “they are”. Perhaps this is more suffice; “In this instance, the correct spelling is ‘Marshal’; is with one ‘l’, not two!” Hope you’ve learnt something today! Cheers.
The White female judge “turning away” and ignoring the victim’s plight is basically what Whites do when faced with evidence of oppression.
NO! It is what people in positions of authority do! Stop being a dumbfuck racist. You should see what black military NCO’s do to their young female E-1′s, especially the white ones. Most people in these high positions in ANY job got there by being a sublime ass kisser and cock sucker and by not rocking the boat. They don’t get there by doing a good job or being a good person!
nothing happened to the judge?!!!! She needs the harshest punishment of them all. It is one thing to be a sexual predator, but when you are an appointed public official whose opinions and assessments are to be fair and accurate and trusted by the public….and you abuse that….you are WAY worse! Anyone who goes into a clark county court and faces that woman needs to lobby for a new judge. She cant be trusted. Hope she gets raped.
The marshal MUST be ARRESTED and the JUDGE needs to be FIRED! WTF… the legal system supposed to protect the innocent and prosecute the guilty.
Does no one see this story as misleading?? We know nothing of the circumstances involved with this woman’s court appearance. As for the judge who’s head you are all screaming for, have any of you stopped to consider that this video has been edited to tell a story from a particular perspective? As a father of two, my first impression is that the judge is trying to shield/distract the child from the scene going on in the court room. I’m not saying there was no sexual assault, but you people are ridiculous to assume you know what is actually going on in this case based on an I-team report. Think before you speak and don’t be so quick to condemn without all the facts.
the definition of Justice…is just us…It was poorly handled irregardless of what was seen or not seen…Arrested for a perceived false reporting? She was given the option to opt out…and despite the emanate result of going forward despite the consequence
…she chose to stand up…
Actually we do, in the video it states she was in court for matter involving her divorce. She should never have been subjected to a search under these circumstances to begin with. Regardless of why she was there, the minute she made an accusation founded or not – it’s the judge’s duty to get a female officer in the courtroom to arrest her. Placing her back into the hands of the accused only placed the young woman at risk for further assault and the county at risk for a lawsuit.
yes Jimy unlike u we live in the real world and realize that this kind of things happen not once but hundreds of times, that these BAD cops,marshals and judges exists and that they abuse civilians just because they can’t defend them selves cause u are nobody in a court room , so if the judge turns her back on u ….u are fkd~ Jimmy
No, nobody sees it as misleading except you. Everyone else sees it as a sick and gross misuse of power. But then again, you probably whacked off to it because you’re a bitter small-minded person mad that your own divorce didn’t go your way.
Well, Jim, yes I DO know why she was there. It was related to issues with her husband and nothing to do with drugs. An internal investigation confirmed the victim’s story so the marshal was fired, as was the judge. Perhaps YOU should go dig up some facts?
[...] H/T: The Cal Report. [...]
That is crazy! Wait.. no it’s not. Cops are generally corrupt.
Judges and pigs working together!
=== === popular today…
yeah! this story has entered the popular today section on…
The judge is a piece of shit.
All people in that room should be fired & judge disbarred from ever practicing law !!!
Marshall Ron Fox – is a pig – the pox on him! As far as the judge, or whatever she is, she should be out of there as well. Absolutely unbelievable!!!
Why isn’t that former Marshall being prosecuted for Official Oppression?
Everyone involved should be fired. The Judge, Police Officer, and any other person involved should be fired and stripped of any pension as well.
The Marshall thinks his arrest of the woman was “just” because nobody in the courtroom tried to stop him.
So, Might makes Right now?
“Fired” isn’t enough. Fox needs to be behind bars.
Let me see if I heard that right. The marshalls arrest was just because nobody stopped him???? WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT!
Cop sexually assaults you? They are fired and you are arrested
Someone on the street sexually assaults you? Jail time for the perpetrator.
How can the Marshall come to the conclusion it is a false allegation if they are the suspect?
[...] Source: The Cal Report [...]
That judge should have been fired as well.
All the pigs involved in this incident should go to jail, especially the stupid pig wannabe cop.
the judge should be fired.
what about the responsibility of the judge?!
and you mean that the assaulter is some black ape? Then what’s the problem, don’t the apes have all the rights in our FORMER white country?
To be fair, the alleged “sexual assault” wasn’t “in front of judge” as the article title would like us to believe. How does following search technique procedure amount to “sexual assault?” Did he “linger” when searching underneath the breast or checking the buttocks? What exactly did he do to commit “sexual assault?”
Why would this woman bring her child to court with her, put her through all of that, and why is she dressed all sexy?
She was there to finalize a divorce, to sign some papers. That is all. Why wouldn’t she bring her child with her for that?
She is wearing a long sleeve shirt and a skirt, she is not “dressed all sexy”
Stop blaming the f-ing victim.
Whenever an action is taken against women, such allegations are certain. Feminist promote such false accusations to threat law enforcing agency in not taking any action against women. Narco test must be made mandatory in such allegations based on mere statements.
Shut up, pig.
The comment isn’t applicable. Marshal wasn’t a man. He’s a woosie.
You are pathetic garbage who is only upset you can’t get away with abusing women.
As soon as I see MRM on anything my first thought is poor guy, it must be hard to go through life with a pee pee the size of a peanut. You drive a big truck too don’t you?
im a guy and I think its wrong! men’s rights movement? who the hell’s running your movement? Ron Fox?
Miss, I am really sorry you had no one there that day to stand up for you except your daughter. I want you to know if I had been inside that room I would have. Anyone that has raised a kid who at the age of two or three says “Sir, please don’t take my mommy,” is in no way lying about what happened. I’m sorry for your fear of these people and that your daughter had to witness it. Your daughter did, however, see you stick up for yourself and what was right, a lesson she will never forget.
Here is the Justice’s information.
Patricia Doninger
Domestic Violence Commissioner Eighth Judicial District Court-Family Division Administration
Family Courts & Services Center
601 N. Pecos Rd., 3rd Fl
Las Vegas NV, 89101
Phone: (702) 455-2434
Fax: (702) 455-5551
Judicial Assistant: Mary Williams, Legal Secretary
I’m glad the marshall lost his job but the judge is guilty too – of just sitting there and ignoring the whole thing. She needs to be fired as well!!!
That judge should be fired and they should all be sued. These people are NOT above the law…they’re supposed to be UPHOLDING the law. I don’t trust ANYBODY in the court system…sorry!
Clark County, Vegas, Nevada – Disgusting actions,you will see legal action !
i hope we have your word sir!
This is an example of derelict of court duties and what many so-called victims must be subjected in the name of fair justice.
This sickens me. That Judge should be kicked off the bench, and that Marshal should be arrested and charged with sexual assault.
“After a six-month internal investigation, court Marshall Ron Fox was fired for the incident seen below.”
Six months? They had this video and it still took them six months?
This judge is really popular:
These people are “public servants”, including the judge, unfortunately society has attached the term “authorities” to these positions and therefor, abuse of power is rampant. Truly shameful!
Has 8 News considered getting their counsel to contact the victim regarding legal action against the Marshal service, specific Marshal or the court for false imprisonment? The Marshal is clearly acting outside the scope of his employment for a personal suit; if not, there would be a suit against the Marshal service and potentially the court.
This is like something from a horror movie.
This is unbelievably disgusting.In america.That judge needs to be sacked too….
So the officer gets fired and that’s it? If I as a citizen (not a cop) do what this officer (was accused) did I”ll get charged for sex assault and convicted of it as well. It only takes an allegation (true or not) for a guy to be convicted but for a cop there are different standards/rules. This crime is a sex offender registry crime. This guy is getting off big time just by getting fired. This is an outage! The registry is a form of LIVING DEATH and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone not even this officer. It is evil and it is wrong but this doesn’t mean this guy shouldn’t get some jail time and probation for what he did if in fact the allegations are true. Why wasn’t a female officer used or at least a female officer be present. I as a sex offender hairstylist (misdemeanor not involving a child over 13 years ago) refuse to be in a salon environment a lone with a female (I’ve learned the hard way). Male doctors often have a nurse with them while doing exams of women how is a police officer any different?
I live in Nevada and find this scenario disgusting. Use of badge and court to unlawfully treat any citizen in such a manner is blatantly in disregard for the law and human decency. Shame on the court system in Clark County Nevada.
They need to be lined up and shot. Or just shot. Where are the men ? Oh that’s right, in jail . . .
It is amazing how often cops act like an out-of-control gang. And so do court officials. The victim here was heroic in refusing to recant and persisting in her complaint. Her arrest was outrageous and all involved should be fired and prosecuted.
the judge should be fired and prosecuted also.
The Judge should be fired as well.
I was stunned by the female judge’s indifference. Is she being charged with something like facilitating a crime. A woman, with no other axe to grind, complained about being sexually assaulted right under the judge’s nose. And who allowed court marshalls’ the ability to arrest people for alleging a crime?
It’s Nevada, bought and paid for by corporate interests. Judges are appointed, not voted on by the citizens. Anyone can be a Marshall in their courts. Be happy he didn’t molest the little girl in front of the judge. She should be disbarred. Both of those officers should have been fired.
Though I do not agree with the actions of the “Marshall,” I do understand the actions of the Judge during this event. She was creating a diversion for the little girl, trying to keep her from seeing her mother arrested. You’ll find that a lot of courts are moving towards ways of making children & others more comfortable with their court experience. I believe the Judge was only acting i the best interest of the child and NOT ignoring the occurrences in her courtroom.
John C. Fry – Are you kidding? The woman was being arrested for accusing the guy of assaulting her! She should never have BEEN arrested. She should probably not have been searched either. She was there for a divorce hearing. Since when do people get searched for that? So freaking ridiculous. You clearly have not thought your argument through.
All the Marshall’s need to be fired, the other Marshall too & the supervisors who covered this up and the Judge needs to be Impeached!
Everyone of these Officials and Officers need to be fired then arrested themselves and tried in a REAL COURT OF LAW!
The Marshall needs to be fired AND Arrested and brought up on civil rights violations, the other accomplice Marshall too, as well as the supervisors who covered this up and the Judge needs to be Removed, disgusting that any Judge would allow that to happen to a victim, she’s unfit!
Funny thing. THe judge just sat there not facing or listening to the womans complaint. She is as guilty as the Court Marshall and should be thrown off the bench.
Those bashing the judge are without justification. The judge had no jurisdiction or authority to intervene. The case she (the victim) was in front of the judge for was closed. The incident occurred in another room that the judge was not present. The judge is not a law enforcement officer. The judge was powerless to do a thing with regard to the arrest and would in fact be guilty of interfering with a police investigation had she involved herself.
You have no fucking clue what you are talking about. That case was in front of that judge, jackass! For what other reason do you think that the judge was even playing with the woman’s kid? The Federal Officer ACCUSED her of drugs. Not anyone else in Court. The federal officer has NO BUSINESS looking at her files. It’s none of her fucking business at all. Probably the ex-husband made an accusation, and that is no reason to pull a woman, alone without another woman present, for a strip search, you dumb fuck.
That judge was a witness to this court room event. Additionally, she has every right to control her court room. She most certainly could have intervened! She could have spoken up and called the police on behalf of that woman to file criminal battery or assault charges.
This is bullshit. Everyone in that damn court room needs to be fired. The justice system today is a joke. I hope they burn.
That “Marshall” is a punk
They all think they are above the law and with technology and social media , they are all caught . sadd sadd sadd, they you are pay to serve and protect, you serve to feel
I do not condone suing people but I hope she SUES THE PANTS off these people!!!!
I feel I want to throw up watching this video. I’m shaking with horror and anger. These authorities are not fit to be serving the law because they are sick. The judge how did she get to be one? .God help us this is not happening. Poor woman, I feel sorry for the child this judge should be sacked too!
This woman should file a Federal lawsuit and meet with the FBI to file charges (as this falls under FBI jurisdiction). There is no statute of limitations for these heinous crimes (and similar crimes have been investigated by the United Nations for human rights abuses in other countries).
The marshals AND that dumbass judge need to be drawn and quartered.
I second that motion. All in favor…
Fire that Judge, Jail that Cop, Sue that City
People in our criminal justice system that abuse their authority and behave in criminal activity are worse than your everyday street criminals, and deserve more serious punishments, the do-nothing judge included.
@Jay….your comment comparing this incident to a mechanic speaks volumes…this was traumatic for both the mother and child……no way you can compare that to a bad car job…..these are people.
The American White male is such a disillusioned, entilted little brat that he really thinks that he can do anything and there are absolutly NO reprecussions for the most abhorrent acts or behavior.
The judge should have been arrested as well,..these people are very lucky this woman wasn’t my wife..I would hand them their ass,..literally.
Both that despicable, incompetent woman on the bench and that fat disgrace of a marshall should not only be fired, but criminal charges should be brought against both.
The judge is totally incompetent, she probably splept her way to the top because it is apparent that she doesn’t have the brains for the job.
The Judge should be fired immediately for being a POS, this proves the inhuman police state actions of law enforcement and courts. #BadJudge
Fire the Judge, she is definitely culpable. Sickening.
As a rape survivor, I am sickened an appalled over this incident. The marshal if fired, but I still see TWO more people with jobs who one fired, and the other STRIPPED of her legal right to serve on a court as a judge. Get the word out Clark County and take this bitch out of Family Court and out of the legal system unless she is on the side of the criminal.
I think it’s a waste of time of the Marshal taking the county to court as well, as he was so sure about the law protecting him AGAINST her freedom of speech and her request for a female to be present during his unconstitutional and illegal body probe, that even the court officer thought he was correct, and a federal marshal is general OVER that of the county, so the other officer was in his right to follow the orders of the federal officer. Same with the family court judge. Therefore, the federal Marshal is therefore, FUCKED. This serves his dues for abusing his authority for wanting to cop a feel off the mother, which he had no legal justification to do. I among millions of mothers have stood in family court, and never had to have a cavity search to be done be a federal officer. She had a nice body and was pretty. Thank god she spoke up, as he was likely going to rape her too.
Sex Crimes, whether it is harassment or flat out violence, occur because those who can stop the offenders TURN THE OTHER WAY. Happens every day. That judge literally turned her back; she had absolutely no control in her courtroom. Business as usual.
look at that fat fuck.
Judge fired???? They all belong in hell.
Steve Foley,
Disturbing story, but blogga, please. That headline is bull, and you know it. Revise.
I think the judge is actually Stevie Nicks!
Fire the judge. It is her job to be in control of her court room. It is disgusting how she turns her back on the victim. It is either that she is a victim herself or prejudiced.
As far as “Marshall” Fox. Throw him into the “hole” and let the animals get a hold of him.
I don’t blame the victim/survivor at all. Nobody in their right mind is 1) going to lift their shirt in front of one “man.” 2) She stood up for herself continuously in front of her daughter. 3) She fought to recant as she was telling the truth.
Your “honor” you are a disgrace to any female who has ever been sexually assaulted.
My tax paying dollars aren’t paid to you for romper room.
The judge is a fucking bitch. Here is a woman trying to tell another woman that she was assaulted by the officer and this stupid slut just turns away and plays with the woman’s child. Remember, the government ARE human beings. They are not perfect. Do what you must do to protect yourself against any human being.
And the dizzy blond judge just pretends it’s not happening? She needs to lose her job, too. Disgusting.
Why does the judge still have a job?
She doesn’t.
Absolutely appalling video…and we all should be very worried because our rights are being taking away completely. Soon all government agencies from local to federal government will do what ever they want to us citizens and we won’t have anyway to fight back legally. Since Obama has been President, we are becoming like China, Russia, and Venezuela all balled into one and even smaller local government agencies are following his lead
That poor girl! This is JUST plain STUPID. And I think that judge needs to be fired as well. This is really a WTH moment!!!
The judge should be fired and arrested and anyone in the room that didn’t stand up and do the right thing. Wow is all I can say:’(
It either a Cop is a servant of the person, with a friendly move to help. Or It’s a No!SH-T. Rough, intent, not time to Talk, strong Arming. (you need to know that) and that’s The ” Don’t try to beat someone at their own Game” Rule of good Streets Smarts. This Cop Knew his Bud’s would Play along. All! Including the Woman worker. Jobs gone! Or Equal? It’s Power Abuse, that lead to.:Sexual abuse, of Power. They all had to Swear the wouldn’t, somewhere.
Someone needs to take that bee-otch of a hearing ‘judge’ down. That fucker deserves to pay if not in the criminal system by ‘we the people’. Call her out in public, ridicule her, picket in front of her house..whatever you can think of. Make her life a living hell.This nation is lost…we need to take back control.
Lets start at the top, The judge is supposed to be in charge. She is there to listen, deliberate and protect the rights of the people before her. It is her courtroom and her ability to control it as well as protect the people before her is clearly a crime against not only this woman but all the people of that county where the judge has authority. The judge should be arrested first, then the MARSHAL and then bailiff. They should all sit in jail while they wait and wait and wait for a hearing, thinking long and hard about their duty which is to serve and protect, not assault and arrest. Since we the public are so outrage I believe some community service picking up trash would help the ignorant irresponsible judge think about what they have done.
Fire the judge. How could she.
Everyone present in that courtroom should be fired and the assaulter should go to prison. This is a messed up situation and now it doesn’t surprise me that my assault case was closed! Sick and very disturbing that women have no voice and are just assumed to be lying.
woot woot!!!
That’s AWESOME news! Thanks for posting!!!!
Doesn’t anybody care that the baby was placed into Child Haven Services!!!!
That’s so sickening! And right in front of her poor little 2 year old daugher who will now have that image in her mind for the rest of her life! Everyone working in that courtroom who had the power to say something and stand up for that woman, but didn’t, and instead turned the other way and allowed the arrest to continue, should be arrested and sued!!! SHAME on them all! No moral values whatsoever! Throw the book at all of them! Fox, the arresting officer, and that judge who acted ignorantly should all be fired, thrown in jail, and sued, and be forced to apologize to that poor woman and her child! I just can’t believe the insanity this video shows! Those people make me SICK!!! And in front of her little daugher?!?! Are you KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!!!! Absolutely sickening!!! Do they have any children of their own? I would LOVE to tell these people off in person when they are off-duty just what I think of them! Scum of the earth, that’s what they are! They have no business holding a public servant job! WOW!, this pissed me off to see this!!! I have ZERO respect for these poor-excuses-for-human-beings!
judge and Foxy Marshall have got to go. What a couple of judicial fiends!
what an idiot , this is what makes this world so dangerous and scary… we have uneducated people working for a pay check following orders without asking questions?..this is madness..just because your leader tells you to do something doesn’t mean you should do it you fool…did it ever cross your mind your leader may have bad intenions who ever that leader may be ?I think you should start using your own brain, so sad that a lot of people like this sign up for the wrong reasons…a lot of stupid people in large #’s spells disaster and death..think before you act….he’s a puppet he’s a sheep !
Welcome to the fascist country of the USA… a police state Hitler would be proud of…
This is the violent, predatory patriarchy just under the surface of every social relationship in the US and around the world. The only credible option for men is to stand with women who are oppressed by the patriarchy, to criticize that patriarchy’s specific violations (as here) and global hegemony, and demand publicly that the individual man renounce his privilege and stand against male violence against women of all kinds including this all-too-typical kind.
Thank you, Doug. Exactly.
Every official that was in that room needs to lose their jobs! That poor woman deserves to own that whole County!
Throw that scumbag Fox, the fat jerk who arrested her, and that stupid moron judge in prison NOW! What a sickening display of non-justice! Keep up crap like this and you are going to see a full-scale revolt against the increasingly sick and corrupt political system in this country. God help those in charge when you mistreat good Americans!
Seems to me that they all need to lose their Jobs including the Judge.
Why was the judge not stripped of her position as well??She’s just as guilty!
The judge has been fired. Still needs to be put in jail IMO.
my god! and this happened in america!
[...] Court Marshall Sexually Assaults Woman, Then Arrests Her [...]
Much, much better.
it took them 6 months to fire him in that time how many others did he rape.
and when does he go to jail for his crimes
This reminds me of when I asked a judge for a restraining order against the man who “date” raped me, and the judge, Locke Williams, chuckled when I explained I was an incest victim. The judge is still at large (as is the rapist) in Corvallis Oregon.
What’s the problem here. I would’ve touched that long-legged mini-skirt wearing whore myself, too.
You’d have to take it because you are so ugly, she wouldn’t want to give it up freely?
This is rape culture.
How can you arrest someone for making a false allegation? The allegation should be noted, investigated, and if proven to be false, then the person could be brought up on charges. That judge was totally incompetent an should be fired. The marshal also should be fired, which he was. The police officer should not be fired. He is bond under the direction of the court.
wow, what scum these people are. The supposed Marshall is the worse behavior a man can show. No real moral up bringing, where was he born, in the forest? The worse is reserved for the female judge. How could she look at herself in the morning. She is just disgusting. That child, it breaks my heart. How can you look at that child and do what you do? I hope they throw the book at that judge, and when in prison be searched by a man, many times, and be punished every day in that manner, and for the marshal? Same thing with a man eating tranny that wears a batman leather outfit.
shame where are women rights
Ron Fox is a Pervert!
The judge should loss her job as well and serve some jail time but not till she gets search and lifts up her shirt hmmmmmm
I am absolutely horrified by this. That judge did absolutely NOTHING to help her, she was right there. This is horrible.
i just threw up in my mouth. typical pigs. the american just-us system herds the cattle into their “pens” and there’s nothing anyone can do.
This is despicable!! They are unbelievable!! This lady should sue them for big bucks!!
No mention of reprimand or other action with the judge/hearing master! What kind of behavior did she exhibit? She should be fired also!
the judge should be struck off after this incident as she was the one in control in the courtroom!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arm yourselves. Police state is coming sooner than you think. Stay educated, and don’t be naive.
Good for you mom! Instead of recanting, you did the right thing for the right reason and put an end to this. Your daughter can be proud of her mother. You’re a brave gal! Good Bless You!
I understand your desire for all the facts. However, while there may be questions about some of what happened, there is no question that she was being arrested for making an accusation. That is unless you can explain to me what facts were missing from that?
The Judge should have been sacked to what the hell was the Judge thinking unbelievable she’s to blame to hope they both do some time and come up to some of the people they put in prison Karmas a bitch.
The family court hearing master that allowed two court marshals to abuse, degrade and sexually assault a woman that was in court for a divorce matter was quietly fired last week.
Patricia Doninger is no longer employed by Clark County Courts after an alleged investigation into the August 11 incident in her court, during which she turned her back on a disgusting situation to play with the victim’s underage daughter. Doninger heartlessly ignored the young mother’s plea for help while two Clark County Court Marshalls tortured, groped and viciously attacked the Hispanic woman that was in court for a routine divorce….has justice been served? I don’t think so .This young lady needs to get an out of town well know lawyer an sue that city for every time they can get her…an then move as far away as she possibly can..!
I meant dime they can get her!
In fact, the healine IS misleading.. the assault was NOT in front of the judge… and it is a WOMAN, not a women.
Regarding the story: nevertheless this is a terrible injustice and an abuse of power (horribly written story).
Both the Marshall and the judge should be fired and possible criminal charges brought up against the Marshall too. This is outrageous but sadly that appears to be the disrespectful attitude that is being shown towards girls and women planet wide.
Blah…Blah…Blah…You forgot to add pervert.
I hope this so called Judge is also fired. She had the power to stop the whole thing and did nothing.
Simply horrifying.
Maybe the judge would have paid attention to the idiot woman if she didn’t let her kid run around & yell the whole time. Control your spawn if you want an adult to treat you like an adult. No sympathy here.
That Marshall didn’t give the woman a chance to take care of her daughter. He pounced on her the moment she complained. The Judge/Arbitrator snatched up the little girl while the mother was pleading her case. This was a miscarriage of justice and a felony all rolled into one. That Marshall was a sexual predator and a Bully and the Judge was an incompetent moron who would serve society better as a babysitter..
How exactly was she going to control her daughter when the marshal had her cornered an then in handcuffs?
Fired isn’t good enough. People like this pervy I’ll help-myself-to-your-body-parts Marshall, and the I-hate-my-own-gender judge need a good old fashioned prison beating. I’m. So. F***ing. TIRED of people like this that just spit on other human beings. And to do that to a mother and child? I can tell you that as a mother of a 2-year-old, I wanted to maim these people for what they put her through! Goddamn victim-blaming asshats… this self-centered complete lack of empathy is not okay, and it shouldn’t be tolerated in the least. We as a society should make people too afraid to take advantage of others. Too afraid to try and have their way at the expense of the innocent. Afraid that they will be attacked by an angry mob if anyone ever finds out.
My apologies for the rage. And thank you for listening.
Sweet Girl, get a very good attorney and sue the heck out of that county and those employees.
Kirk Cameron didn’t say anything hateful.There’s logic in what he was saying, but I guess we’re more “advanced” these days. We know better. I disagree that he is in the minority.
sorry. wrong place and I can’t delete it!
FUCKING PIGS!!!!!!! ALL CORRUPT, all of them . You need help, call the fire department.
The judge should have been fired too. The judges back was turned to the victim while she was crying and pleading for help. That right there was proof he was trying to ignore the truth on what goes on in that office…
He was fired? Why wasn’t he arrested and charged with rape, a felony? Why wasn’t the judge fired? Who’s holding him responsible? So there was an investigation into the whole department. What happened as a result of that investigation? Covering up a crime, a felony, in this case, is also illegal. Was anyone arrested? The judge was busy playing with a child? What’s a child doing in the court room and why is a child allowed to witness someone being sexually assaulted? There’s a lot here that isn’t discussed. If I were the reporter, I’d be asking these questions.
America, little better then Iran
Why are people saying the judge should have been the one to be fired?! The man who actively sexually assaulted that women should get the harshest punishment! What about the other officer there? He did the exact same thing, ignored it. Even assisted in the arrest. I agree that inaction definitely warrants punishment and investigation, but she is not the person who sexually assaulted a woman and then arrested her.
That was her/our court room & she allowed it to happen!!
She could have had them both punished
and she turned away as if she was pretending not to see/hear a thing!!
How many times has she looked the other way?
They all should be investigated as there very well maybe other victims.
Then jail /fire all of them that is a crime!!
Land of the free, and home of the brave…. ??? There we go!!!
it seems that spelling is a lost art. But i appreciate the story, Steve. Thanks.
Wow…even worse it took 6 months to take care of it. Fire them all!
no body stoped the marshal so the marshal in yellow contend what he did was legal!
I am not surprised family courts cover up more than that …believe me I know first hand
I am absolutely livid at what I have just seen with regard to that woman and the way she was treated in the Court system with her little girl. I am appalled by the way that firstly two men were able to search her and ask her to lift up her shirt when she was in a very distressful condition. Not only that her young daughter was also aware of how distressed her mother was and tried to go to her mother’s rescue. The Judge who was making some attempt to keep the child’s mind off the situation was making a very poor attempt of it. I am absolutely disgusted by her involvement in this farce. In my Country I would be looking to get her disbarred forthwith. The two men who were attempting to search the young woman I would recommend that they BOTH get fired and face some kind of punishment, because from what I could see if this was done in the street, they would be looking at a Sexual Offence.
Agreed. That is a crime.
Accessory after the fact. a person who knowingly conceals or assists another who has committed a felony!! Sexual Assault!
Awful. The judge needs to be fired too.
I hope that cop burns in hell for that stupid act! I know that there are some cops and officers out there that do the right thing by us, but most of them are self-servant pricks that think they are better than the rest of society. Our government is flawed…if you’re a police officer and you’re reading this, why not go out and arrest someone really committing a crime?? I’m just sorry that he was just fired! Why not set his dick up on the chopping block? He shouldn’t have just been fired, he should have went to jail for committing perjury in a court of law…God knows they would do it to us! Stupid cops! S-T-U-P-I-D burn you pig, and all of you other pigs out there doing this crap to the people you’re supposed to be protecting and serving!
The judge should also be fired from her position because she being the authority in this situation failed to help this lady as a crime was being committed.
What a complete scumbag. Females are required to have a female officer to perform the search if its even needed. This creep just wanted to abuse his power to have his way with this young lady by faking a drug search so he could feel her up. “Officers” that abuse their power like this are absolutely disgusting and are lower than a human being. They deserve locked up for at least 40 years just like any other sex offender. Along with having to register as a sex offender in the registry. And the judge needs to step down for allowing this to happen. Completely revolting. I hope this lady sues and wins.
why the hell isnt that JUDGE in trouble too??
I hope he was on unpaid leave for the length of that investigation.
WOW!! That is SUCH a disturbing video! Thank goodness there are now video’s to see and tell the truth. Imagine how many people were victims of these horrible unethical corrupt people? I hope that judge also loses her job. It makes me sick to see things like this!
they should die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please don’t let this go. If it goes silent they will sweep it under the rug!
Fire the judge and bailiff too…. They just watched and let it happen
I live in Clark county
End of last year we tried to get the police force investigated us but the governor ignored it
Cops here do whatever they want and no one cares
And the reason the f**k behind the bench did nothing is what? Why isn’t the judge and the marshall in jail? Maybe the feds should do what Clark Cty apparently isn’t free of corruption enough to do.
Even IF the judge is elected they can still be disciplined by panels of judging that oversee them and arrested for official misconduct which it appears the judge is guilty of.
[...] Court Marshal Sexually Assaults Woman, In Front Of Judge,Then Arrests Her | The Cal Report – C…. [...]
“Hard to watch… especially the little girl.” ARE YOU SERIOUS? It’s hard to watch a sexual assualt victim be ignored by a judge and then separated from her little girl FIRST, and SECOND hard to watch a little girl see her innocent mother be hand cuffed and taken away!
Fired? What about prison?
FIRED? FIRED? Why was he not arrested? Its called abuse under color of Authority
Let the cameras roll !!
Above the law so much so they make up their own !!
I’m sure she went there to have her rights violated !! (Sarcasm!)
**This judge is exactly why we have so many issues… that is her courtroom & she allowed all of it!! Turn the other way & you don’t see any of it they could of been assaulting her right there & she wouldn’t have batted an eye!!
For those that want to regulate gun control and hate guns….this is a perfect example why WE THE PEOPLE need to protect ourselves. Can you just imagine if our government were to ever oppress us and turn on the American People just because we disagree and have just cause to? This is a Judge and Law enforcement officer. The Judge needs to step down or fired. She is a bit$h. The victim should sue them for the anguish that situation caused the little girl. If the tables were turned were the parent put their child in a situation causing the child anguish CPS would remove the child from the parents. Such double standards here. Smh
why wasnt the judge fired?
*Sexual Assault*-a statutory offense that provides that it is a crime to knowingly cause another person to engage in an unwanted sexual act by force or threat; & “Accessory” -after the fact. a person who knowingly conceals or assists another who has committed a felony.
She needs a good lawyer!!
that judge needs to be fired also
Wait a second, so they didn’t even tell her that that guy was fired? Yeah, I think I know why. Because they realized she had a strong case against them and could sue the state for millions and millions of dollars. Ahhhhh, “Justice”.
She need’s to sue every individual and the city ,county associated with this Crime !
That cop just wanted to cop a feel and expected to get away with it!
I think the judge should be disbarred for gross incompetence.
[...] Source: The Cal Report [...]
they all need to be fired all 3 of the people that were in that court room. cops think there gods these days because there allowed to get away with murder.. literally.
The judge is evil in this for turning her back and ignoring the ladys cries. she should be arrested herself and fired. scum
the word is “marshal” (one “l), no capitalization) not “Marshall” (that’s a name). and the word is “woman” not “women”…
The name is spelled UUUUUGGGGGHHHHHH……. , Nobody needs you in here to tell someone how to spell, The point is clearly taken and what is meant is understood , So unless you have something to say about the case , Go back and crawl under the rock where you slithered from!!!!
this is a fucking outrage that person not only should be fired but put in prison where he belongs, if he did what she says!if she is lying she should be arrested for false accusations against an officer and that judge needs to be remove from the bench period,what a joke,maybe she can get a job at home depot or something.
that is sooooooo fucked up!!!! How could that judge have sat there and watched that happen????
Kudos for doing this story!!!! Women across this country are being terrorized and revictimized by the courts that are supposed to protect them. I have been handcuffed three times and threatened to be sent to Rikers for 20 days. Why? Because I would not allow a Judge to put inaccurate statements on the record. This is not the role of handcuffs nor jail. Women are treated like criminals because they want a divorce. How stupid we must be to think we have rights in this country?
Meanwhile, my husband has chest bumped me, thrown a pen, cursed including from the stand and he is fined and the fines are removed. No handcuffs. This is after he accepted an ACD for endangering his daughter’s welfare. The Judge modified our daughter’s TOP ex-parte with no notice but he knew. Her school banned him from entering the premises but she modified the TOP so that he had decision making over her. Is it because he works for a major law firm?
Court personnel have called women like me crazy. We are made fun of and asked why we think we do not have to work? We should know how lucky we are. Domestic violence is ignored and treated like a joke with comments about how a woman should wear a wig to court. Being attractive in the court system seems to be a crime as does being a stay-at-home mother.
There are numerous conflicts of interest in the NYS judicial system but no one does anything because it is a giant gravy train. Just on my case, the father’s attorney hired the Judge’s law clerk who monitored our emails, the children’s attorney contributed to a book for the father’s attorney, the father’s therapist was part of a business with my former forensic accountant and the list goes on and on.
It is time for a full investigation into 71 Thomas Street in NYC.
in religion it is taught that the authority figures are held to a higher standard. in america it is the opposite. the officer lost his job, but had the allegations been against someone who was not an officer, public official, or other authoritative figure, the man would have been arrested and tried for a felony where he was facing being labeled a sex offender for the rest of his life. this guy just got fired.
That is not right I dont even know what to think ! If this happened to me with my daughter ! Gosh where is the Justice for this woman That Judge why would she not listen to the woman uNless she knew what these guards are doing to these womaN !
Filthy! Every single person there should be banned from ever holding office like this again.
Shamefull Judge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Patricia Doninger: YOU’RE FIRED
This is so upsetting. I’ve seen this stuff happen in Chicago. ALL the time. I got news for you people… whatever you THINK is “good”… isn’t. Everything is corrupt. Church, government, businesses, charities, school… Police are not your friends.
Looks good on you ron fox!!! A-Hole!!!
All of them should be fired. The Judge first. It was her court room. RIDICULOUS !
I hate the police. They’re disgusting, filthy, entitled monsters who are mobsters with a badge. I hope to God I’m never reliant on a cop to save my life, help me out of a situation, etc. because I’ll be doomed.
the judge should be fired too!
The Judge needs to be fired as well. She just turned her back and acted like she didn’t want to know what was going on.
[...] Here’s an example of when it’s your duty to stop a cop. A perverted Court Marshall sexually assaults a woman as her pleas to be assigned a female officer are ignored by the judge, who is present in he room but turns her back to play with the victims daughter. The victim complains about the sexual assault to the judge, but is arrested because she refuses to recant the complaint. How long will we tolerate this, people? [...]
Obviously Her rights were violated and the judge she be disciplined too for ignoring her pleas….
no wonder people have no respect for “the law”. It seems to be the great enabler of perping on perfect victims. HE is suing!? The guy who has been taking advantage of his power to touch women…I highly doubt this is the first time and I hope other women come forward. The woman should sue and and get hugely rewarded -that was suffering and trauma., That judge? WHAT?! a judge can literally turn a blind eye . wrong just wrong wrong wrong
My only hope is the karma boomerang comes back and decapitates the judge and the marshalls. They do not deserve to breathe the same air as the rest of us. I truly hope they cease to live.
Marshall Ron Fox was fired, and is now suing for wrong termination because ‘no one stopped him’ from making the false arrest. Excuse me, does he not know the law?
Master Hearer Patricia Donninger was fired in June 2013, almost TWO full years after the incident.
Have not heard anything about the police officer who made the actual arrest, hope he got some sort of reprimand.
they all need to loose their jobs..that is and was uncalled for…you don’t have the right to touch anyone without cause…she was there for divorce court!!!!!…and the judge just turned her back….and her daughter!!!! was there to see what was going on!!!!a woman is to be present or to do the pat down and search is one is needed…..what did this woman do to deserve this kind of treatment……she was begging!!!
I hope they fired the judge too she deserved it the most.
Most appalling court video I have ever seen. Even if she was lying that was sickening. I hope that bailiff dies soon. Prison may take care of that but I doubt he will ever see the inside of a cel.
How is that judges still on the bench???
they should fire the judge too
Yeah, this whole thing is bullshit. They had no right to arrest her and the blonde judge just sits there ignoring the entire event. This is the country we live in these days and I guarantee it happens every damn day.
That WOMAN judge should also be fired. She did nothing but turn her back, literally. She had the power to help that young mother and she turned her back and ignored the issue. Those men are pigs, and I am sure that this has happened before. Those men and that judge will get what comes to them!! I’m glad that mother spoke up, I hope her mind is at ease now. It is ashame they put her through that embarrassment.
As an observer of this travesty of a so called Law Court, I can only say, Thank God I’m not in America, but live in the UK. Though our Laws are not perfect, as least I can say that ‘this’ horror would never happen in the UK. Its a disgrace, every so called Officer in that Court should be sacked…and the so called Judge should end up in Prison herself. This poor woman should have a massive payout, AND, a full Apology from the State. I am shocked, I’ve never seen anything like this before…..American Justice…you can keep it.
dont be so sure! they’re are lots of shite judges who are corrupt in the uk too, and they are given the power to judge by the queen. i.e. official reps, and i bet she’d be horrified at what goes on in her name, by UK judges!
Who IS the judge?
Disturbing in so many ways…
[...] This isn't California news, it happened in Clark County Nevada, but hugely disturbing. The video below is disturbing to say the least as a court "Marshall" sexually assaults a women, who pleads to … [...]
Wow. The dumbing down of America. Even the friggin reporter spelled marshal wrong and everyone is good with that and they continue to misspell it even after it was pointed out (although he used the wrong their). Yes, the deputy marshal should have been investigated and the judge relieved of duty but if you want to make a valid point and be taken seriously, you cannot continue to misspell crap. You lose validity of an argument with stupidity and can no longer be taken seriously once you look like an idiot.
Bill, you might want to check your grammar and punctuation.
What the fuck was up with the judge, I can see if it were a man, but I would never have believed this behavior from a woman. What a piece of shit, I hope she is no longer presiding.
LOL whut!? What do you mean “…I can see if it were a man…”? You have such contempt for your gender that you see this as the normal behavior of men? You think women are above doing evil things or less likely to allow evil done in front of them? Maybe it is the crowd you run with or maybe you have jumped on the demonizing of men bandwagon that seems to be rolling strong these days…but I for one believe that Men are good and decent. It is funny because this video depicts the evil actions and inaction of both a man and a woman. Be proud of who you are.
That JUDGE should be fired as well.
the judge should be sentence to death for this, put in a position of power and ignoring it is treason in its utmost! sounds strong i know but judges are giving the power to rule and put people who wrong to justice not ignore or even just go along with crime. judges should always face the highest levels of punishment in any acts as this clearly shows! dont let this judge then be able to make further mistakes, or any judge who violates such a position!
yes abuse this power and the death penalty should apply.. this man should be jailed and raped in jail piece of scum
These people deserve death!
Why wasn’t nothing done to the Judge? What was she thinking? I can’t understand her dismissal attitude of this entire matter on film. Well we all know for sure that the video doesn’t lie but people will!!!!!! I can’t believe she just sat there playing with the victims child. This is far from any court room that I’ve ever heard of…….they all should be FIRED!!! This is really crazy and it proves there is no justice in that town!! I’m so sure there are so many other victims, you can tell it wasn’t the first encounter!!
The judge HAS to be fired, fined and searched herself in this demeaning manner she ignored. NOT only should this supposed ” Officer” have been fired but brought up on charges for sexual assault. NO ONE is above the law. For this Marshal to have ignored the very same laws he SWORE to uphold is dishonorable and brings disgrace on this profession and those who still believe and uphold this institution of honor. I am sickened by this. GREAT SHAME on this MARSHAL and this supposed JUDGE.
this is why fuck the police
How about the Judge? She just sat there like a helpless fool. I think we could save the taxpayers a lot of money by giving a homeless wino a galleon of Red Mountain wine to sit and hear cases and the people would get better justice.
So where was the ‘reasonable expectation of anything that caused that miserable ‘marshal’ to justify a search? The woman was in court for a divorce hearing from a horrid judge who ignored her complaints and pretended she was deaf. You can’t enter a courthouse any longer without first going through a metal detector and I can’t imagine being stupid enough to show up at court with drugs in your handbag. I can’t go have my doctor examine me WITHOUT a woman nurse present, but this sleaze artist thinks it’s okay for him to go it alone? Can’t remember when a Homeland Security search was conducted by the opposite sex either. I hope that woman sues and wins because this is just plain unconscionable behavior.
“Don’t take Momma Away!” ripped my heart out, this is typical of who you are and who they are. say no more may the truth set her free!”
They will love raping those little piggies in prison and that judge deserves to be arrested and tried as an accomplice.
right but did you hear the court marshal is sewing them for firing him because he is Innocent which is bullshit people like him are the reason that people dont like cops. because they dont know if they can trust them or not
This is when the police are justifiable “PIGS”. Hope the scumbag gets his in jail.
Why didn’t they do anything about that stupid fucking judge? She is as bad as that pervert marshall! Lets take America back!
So when you’re a marshall you are allowed to fucking harass women? And all that happens is you get fired? What the fuck is wrong with this fucking place? He should be arrested, no?
To me this was something to me that seamed like anger from the court marshal that she said something because if she was lying why would he tell her to recant on what was said. not only just that it seams to me unfair to the woman that the judge did nothing for her she just sat there, so we pay our taxes for them to turn the other cheek, i thought they were called judges to sereve justice to the innacent and prove the guilty to be guilty disgraceful
I know people feel this is a violation of personal rights, but this is why you need cameras everywhere, for our own protection. This incident is frightening and thank God at least this courtroom was taped.
Wow the Judge and the other Court Marshall should be fired as well…this video is appalling…How could the Judge sit there and act as she has no knowledge of the law or what these men are doing? Get her out of there!!! She has no business in her position at all!!!! All of them need to be in jail and never working in law ever again!
[...] This will make your stomach turn Court Marshal Sexually Assaults Woman, In Front Of Judge,Then Arrests Her | The Cal Report – Califon… [...]
Amazing. Lets hope that fat kont gets raped in prison.
The judge and the court cop need to be fired too! This is disgusting…abuse of power!
Holy Crap! How can that “Judge” just sit there and ignore the pleas from this woman? Everyone in that courtroom should be fired and prosecuted for allowing and participating in this event. I also hope she sues the court and gets a huge settlement.
Anonymous needs to blast this guy Ron Fox and the judge’s address all over the internet! these people are the reason the justice system is so flawed. Makes me sick!!!
[...] /2013/07/26/court-marshall-sexually-assaults-women-in-front-of-judgethen-arre… [...]
What are doing about the Judge? She should be sent to jail!!
Wow, there are various degree of scum bucket in the courtroom, but without a doubt the biggest bucket of them all is the power-trippin turd known as Court Marshal Fox. And then the little man has the gall and audacity to sue to get his job back.. Dude, should be locked up.
I hope to attend any hearings that involve him. Where’s Nancy Grace when you need her?
This is terrible and I really hope that judge loses her job too. That woman was calling out for help and she did nothing. She’s in charge in that court room and she has authority over those officers. She should have had someone step in to talk to that woman and she should have made sure that woman couldn’t be arrested for speaking out.
Marshall Fox is a pUsSy …and that judge is an aSs-wHole
That fucking Cop should be fucking shot for doing this, that fucking piece of shit judge. I hope you all fucking die you worthless assholes. I curse you to a terrible life and may you suffer what you bring on others.
So typical of the hubris of law enforcement and judicial authorities, who seem to believe (IN EVERY ENCOUNTER I HAVE HAD WITH THEM, OVER 45 YEARS AND 10 STATES) they are NOT ‘Public Servants’ but ‘Public Masters’ !!!
Fire all of them PERVERTS, he knows he got a quick feel with no wittnesses thruogh his scuzy hole in jail.
fire the judge, fire both the cops in the video, sue the sheeet out of all 3 plus the court house…what kind of world are we living in….so sad
Maybe someone should also look in to the crap job that joke of a judge did when it was right in front of her face…
This example of police intimidation and judicial neglect is why people do not trust the justice system.
I hope that officer wakes up one day to find everyone he loves has been raped.
[...] a six-month internal investigation, court Marshall Ron Fox was fired for the incident seen below. [Cal Report via Facebook [...]
[...] a six-month internal investigation, court Marshall Ron Fox was fired for the incident seen below. [Cal Report via Facebook [...]
[...] a six-month internal investigation, court Marshall Ron Fox was fired for the incident seen below. [Cal Report via Facebook [...]
Fathers and husbands have been getting raped in “family court” for decades and now the corrupt, incompetent, self absorbed and evil reality of the Divorce Industry makes headlines… why is that?
Hey Man-gina
I’m ASS U ming you are speaking about yourself. Although it is sad how divorce injures all people including children, yours wasn’t literal.
That blonde bitch should be thrown in jail. What a piece of shit.
That judge needs to be held accountable too and Miss Contreras needs to sue for what she and her little girl went through! This is just pathetic that judge wasn’t even listening to her!
Why didn’t the judge do anything? she was just staring and ignoring the whole thing, like she was covering the Marshall because she knows he has done this many times before, Shame on the judge too!! she should be fired!
Why didn’t they fire that dingy Judge!!
This is the most idiotic thing I have ever seen in my life….this is not law enforcement these are people pretending to up hold the law and doing whatever the hell they want to do they should all be charged the officers and the judge!!
MOST of the time, when a search is performed, (or even a gyno exam) another person has to be in the room, and usually the person performing the search has to be the same sex as the person being searched. This is just a smart way to avoid lawsuits and false charges. The woman who is claiming being assaulted was made uncomfortable, and when she voiced her concern she was ignored by the highest figure of authority in the room and arrested by the same person she accused. She also asked to be arrested by a woman. That’s not an unreasonable request. Since when does the accused decide that the charge is false? Your statement is an excellent example of victim-blaming, especially since an inquisition has determined she was right, and both the Marshal and the judge have been fired. And yes, her reaction implies that he “lingered.” Plus, she was there for a divorce case, which by the statements of herself and the judge in the beginning of the video seemed to go in her favor, so why was there a search? Since when is a drug search SOP in family court? A small piece of sensationalism on the part of the author is no reason to discredit the victim. Or, were you hoping for some juicy action? Sorry.
Fucking sick ass bastards just fucking ignoring her I think think the judge the cop the person who arrested her without explaining why should all go to jail for a very very long time. Im sick of seeing this shit in our country and the cop just get fired. THEY DESERVE TO GO TO JAIL!
First time EVER I’ve seen a court officer (Marshall, Bailiff, whatever you want to call them) wearing SHORTS???
Anyway, ya think this lady has a good case? Ya THINK???? The County had better get it’s checkbook open on this one and start thinking of settlement offers.
Police are no more than security guards with the power to implement deadly force to enforce corporate statute. They are there to protect the public. The Sheriff is the constitutional authority that is suppose to be protecting people’s private rights.
This ‘Judge’ is acting in the capacity of an administrator and not a judge. Most people don’t know the difference because they look the same. Additionally, this is not a ‘judicial’ in the sense of article III under the constitution. They treat people like this because they are aware most people are ignorant of how law works as well as jurisdiction. This is the reason they treat people like animals. If you don’t KNOW your rights then you have none. She needs to get the judges oath of office from the secretary of state and file a claim against her bond with the risk management department of that municipality as well as that of the fake Marshall.
The Judge in this case is a P.O.S.! Don’t re-elect this P.O.S. for Judgeship, if she is an elected official! The “Hearing Master” is WORSE than the Court Marshal because she allowed this to happen in HER courtroom, on HER watch! A Judge plays a pivotal role in the protection of a citizen’s rights; do you really want to re-elect a Judge that is this nonchalant about the abuse of a citizen’s rights? That Judge should be disciplined too!
I would shoot the judge and marshal with a cancer gun if I had a cancer gun.
MUST live VIDEO recording in ALL Police Stations, Court houses, Prisons, animal concentration torture factories & other places of torture, caging and rape.
Semper Fi Steve