Just as access to doctors is getting more and more difficult for those on Medicaid, restricted choice is coming to the private
In Tuesday PM edition WaPo: “President Obama on Tuesday sought to redirect some of the political blame for the botched rollout of
Public Policy
In Thursday evening’s WaPo: “Chastened. Apologetic. Introspective. Pick your adjective. They all fit President Obama’s tone during a surprisingly lengthy statement-turned-press conference in which
In today’s WaPo: “Essential elements of Brand Obama in 2008 were trustworthiness and competence, virtues the candidate used to contrast himself
Public Policy
From ”An influential Democratic senator is now backing the push to restore insurance plans canceled due to ObamaCare, on the heels of
Public Policy
In Monday’s late USA Today: “The Line: If you like your health insurance plan, you can keep it. The Party: Democratic For years, President
In Friday evening’s USA Today: “It’s just so basic: Never defend an indefensible position. No good ever comes of it. The more you
I have written several commentaries about the Affordable Care Act, which we have determined is not affordable at all. And I have