The Karzai Gambit
But Karzai remained adamant that he will not sign the accord until after the Afghan presidential election in April. That stubborn stance has infuriated U.S. officials, who Friday imposed a Dec. 31 deadline.”
Since October 7, 2001, the United States has maintained a military presence in a country which, at the time we made our presence known, harbored the “mastermind” of the 9-11 attacks on NYC and DC. Initially, we were welcomed by the people as their savior from the dreaded Taliban. As you recall, this was the group which stifled individual freedoms, placed women in subservient positions in society, and championed the causes of Osama bin Laden.
Once we drove the Taliban out, we installed a “more democratic” form of government, led by Hamid Karzai. He was brought to Washington, sat in the Presidential box at a joint session of Congress for the State of the Union speech, and was lauded by President Bush for his support of our troops and our cause.
Over the years, we have learned that the Karzai family has been involved in and may have led the lucrative opium and heroin drug trades, making millions, if not billions, while American and NATO troops continued to be maimed and killed to support this corrupt government. We had long ago lost our primary objective of capturing bin Laden, when in December, 2001 we had our best chance to capture him at Tora Bora and lost him, probably with the support of anti-American factions of Afghan society. Yet, we continued to fight opposition forces with the hope that we would somehow be fighting for democracy and freedom for the Afghan people.
President Karzai has made his feelings known that he would be willing to enter into a coalition government with the Taliban, and yet we continue to maintain our presence. Americans continue to die not only in the field of battle, but also by Afghan support troops on our own bases. And we stay. And we want a Status of Forces agreement. Why?
We should learn the lessons from the Soviet occupation and subsequent withdrawal of Afghanistan in 1989 that this country is a lost cause for whatever improvement we thought we could teach the people to advance into a more modern society. They didn’t want the Soviets there, and they certainly don’t want us there, either.
A Status of Forces agreement in this society would be unenforceable because the troops which stay would be like ducks in the arcade. They would continue to be shot at, would not have the right to retaliate, and ultimately, while the agreement would protect them from prosecution by the Afghan government, would not protect them from persecution by the people in the streets. And the Afghan government would stand idly by as it happened.
So, let’s take down the bases and the other assets we built, pull the troops out now and let “our pal” Karzai twist in the wind. After all, that will be his fate, much like Mussolini at the end of WWII. We should not provide safe passage to this most anti-American of people. Let him bribe the warlords with the billions of American dollars he has stolen over the years. He will still be strung up when it’s all over.
Yes, we finally got bin Laden, with no help at all from Afghanistan, or for that matter, our other “ally” in the region, Pakistan. The sooner we leave these barbarians behind, the better off we will be. The world views us with disgust and disdain anyway, so let’s just bring our troops home and be done with it.
Good luck to you, Mr Karzai. You certainly earned your fate by your own actions against your own people. And don’t come calling on us to save your ass from your destiny. We were there and you dumped all over us. You earned it all by yourself, just like you did with the lifestyle you lived while we were there. It’s called justice for abuse of power.
Say hello to Osama for us.
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titles of the blog posts, names and
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in your belly. going to a spot
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the future. in this article, i’m going
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with your readers. ask them to respond
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your reader must know – and like
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they go to facebook, twitter and other
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if you confirm through the email link
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to do a search on google. then,
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the best way to optimize on this
blogging benefit is to hire a good blog writing service, which can enhance advantages by use of effective keywords and suitably written content.blogs offer great link building facilitylink building is a very important criterion that ranks high in searc…
theme of “lists?” ) share how you
monetize your blog. list your best marketing ideas. or list ideas pertaining to your particular niche. ways to make your reader’s life a little better! write a list of 25 great blog ideas. ok, i couldn’t resist!really, if you think about
you cannot just put up a blog
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hit delete. you would never want to
work with a person like that anyway!and yes… personal experience applies here. i can honestly, and sadly, say that about 6 years ago i really got bitter about the whole “give it to me free now and when the funds come
are forgivable, especially as most blog writers
can’t afford a separate set of eyes to edit their work.a writer is someone who crafts words to influence’s the power to dig into the meaning of words and craft them as you have done that signifies a writer. the
on originality, creativity and quality of content
3. usage of embedded links with the apt anchor texts 4. cautious selection of general and targeted blogs 5. assessment of blog positions in search engine resultsblog submission services require a thorough knowledge of rss feed submission, directory gui…
content. this will increase your brand value
and will generate quality traffic to your blog. if you can hold your visitors’ interest, there is the possibility of converting them to subscribers. guest blogging is also the easiest way to build quality backlinks to your blog.gain exposure – if
ideas. who loves call of duty? i
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to conform to industry and organisational guidelines.
if you’re looking to start a new blog, the most important first step you need to take to guarantee your success is to enter into the right niche to begin with. this crucial step is often overlooked, which is why you’ll
want your blog to go in. great
design needs to fin in with the content of the blog, appeal to the target audience and help best promote the product and services you are let’s look at some main design features to make your blog more appealing to
offering rss feeds for updates by the
management since i knew who to address for my book publishing query and get inspired to write on fresh genres.good writing habit # 4 – i signed up for market listings and magazine a freelance writer, i realized early on
also a good wood. again, the white
wood rots off; it is the heartwood that lasts. if you have cedar, check the heartwood.the best trees to cut for posts are…fir locust locust posts last over 60 years locust lasting over 60 years eastern white cedar posts last 80
to look example, you could use
formatting, embedded youtube videos, even a series of blank lines. any of these, used sparingly, can make your blog post look like it has more content than it really does — and therefore, drive interest and engagement.step three – add your
too long, i probably have a second
post in the works. too short, i might need to do a bit of research on to expand this topic. length of the title – keeping your title under 70 characters has two key benefits. first it is easier to share
of users and web developers come together
to do research and improvement related to their business to come up with one product which is their success.being creative will be the main weapon to become a celebrity in this business. plan carefully your objectives and techniques on how to
blog you won’t get many readers, so
moderating comments can be useful. remember, a blog is a conversation, so write it the way you speak, don’t use words that you don’t normally use, be natural but courteous, this will depend on the type of blog you write. you
two fingers, if you use 5-8, the
delivery will be much speedier. many users have the habit of typing one letter at a time with a single finger which increases the typing time. practicing diligently will help overcome this.look at the screen while typingthis is one of the
that the reader would easily understand. write
like you are just talking to a friend. this will make internet search engines give you high marks and help the site visitors make sense of your article. the key that we are to remember here is readability. great seo writing
more people are focusing on online competition
and business strategies to generate handsome amount of revenue, most of the business owners have developed an official website, related to their business products or services. such websites carry attractive backgrounds, images and content, which grabs…
as giving you search engine benefits. so
your next step is to learn how you can write a good article that focuses on getting sales, subscribers and of course, traffic. when you’re doing article submissions for article marketing it’s always an option to outsource your writing to a
and interact with their followers.5. guest blog you know, blogging is very time intensive, so many blog owners are looking for ways to create quality content easily. guest blogging is wonderful way to get thousands of visitors instantly. now the question is how can you get maximum
to your blog post digg your own
articles pick a few forums with high page rank, setup a nice profile with links to your blog and post in those forums syndicate your blog’s rss feedand a thousand other things, the short of it though is just don’t stop
find inspiration because we see some form
of it every day, it is literally all around. you can use some of that inspiration and share it with your eager audience.parallel comparisonsfind a hot trend that is outside of your niche and compare it to something inside your genre.
business, and earning a reputation among your
client base for providing good, relevant content — for free — can be a valuable commodity.3. you get to target specific keywords without writing spammy website’s hard to strike a balance between good writing and seo strategy — all too
quickly learn what to avoid.likewise, if you
would like to improve your technical writing skills, have a look at technical documents. keep abreast of news in your chosen field, especially when it comes to terminology – new jargon and acronyms abound.if you are having a hard time with
is identifying what are those or what’s
in-demand.then, figure out which among these demands are the things you can do. it can be article writing, blogging, taking online surveys or writing reviews, selling stuffs on ebay, researching keywords, or selling digital photos. you can also conside…
entirely free to use. you don’t have
to buy a website name as the system will give you an address in line with the title of your website.simplicity of use: submitting to the blog is easy. you can even change the appearance of the blog quickly. this is
their secrets then they might not be
able to make so much money. some people that make an income from blogging may write an ebook and sell itas mentioned before, being a millionaire blogger comes from a large number of blogs and at some point the blogger would
more than the latter two that’s for
sure but why is this so?simple really, not all blogs you read are engaging enough perhaps a little dry or dare i say, boring!websites you subscribe to means that you are interested in either the subject matter or you find the
and it can be yours also. all
you want to do is unearth a scheme that will teach you all that you must to know, do the work, and you will be on your way to becoming a skilled blogger. so many of us want to earn a
on to write masterpieces of their own.
however, it doesn’t hurt to have some great tools to assist them with their work. believe it or not, there are some great freeware tools that all writers can use. i’ve personally used most of the software discussed here, and also
with you 3 simple strategies that i
use on my blog to promote it and drive traffic to the site very quickly. all 3 will have pros and cons but if you use them together you can greatly increase the amount of traffic you get which will convert
useful strategy when using youtube for business
purposes.once you identify the blogs then all you need to do is send out a press release via email to the blog owner that says what the video is about. include a link to the video also or even better, send
use an external client interface in order
to upgrade content material online. common apis like atom publishing protocol as well as metaweblog api are utilized in this way. desktop software program to upgrade weblogs has been on the rise with wordpress being at the forefront in this regard.a
some hints on how to choose the
service provider for your unique needs. your company’s needs are unique but what they are you will have to decide yourself. the very first thing you should think of is update frequency. namely, decide if you want your blog to be
as you read this, you must also
be thinking of ways to improve your blog posts and make them interesting. here are some tips to help you enhance the way you present your ideas and thoughts in a blog make people noticehave you ever wondered why children
after. what you need to know is
that most women have become better.2. dating after divorce.there’s no one stopping you from dating after the separation with your ex-husband. no one can stop you from enjoying a good life. you are not inhibited from meeting other men. it’s ok
services offered by the company before engaging
their services. this ensures that you get real value for your money. outsourcing enables you to get specialized content writing services for your website. they create fresh and unique content that targets your market owners are able t…
to a new location. you do that
by backing up your wordpress site and restoring it somewhere else.why should you clone your wordpress blog? because it makes for a nice sandbox site where you can test changes, you can get paid to setup your exact blog configuration for
living doing what we love but there
is one particular profession that is well suited to people who love the craft. i am of course talking about the writing craft and the thousands of people who have been able to take care of themselves and their families on
their friends.a great way to build a
rep as a good writer and blogger is to guest post on other blogs and get a name in your niche. e-mail a bunch of blog owners in your niche and ask them if they are interested in having a guest
be able to use widgetbox, i
did a search for a more user friendly, more accessible blog with greater functionality and more potential to maximise traffic. i signed up for quite a few and then i found something that said – try blogger. so, i did. i
will have a veritable community of loyal
followers who all share your interest and offer commentary on your posts. and above all, your business blog becomes a relevant and valuable asset to your business. it’s true that talented writers can live with a pen and paper and go
blog” or “great post i will have
to bookmark your blog” these general comments do not give readers any reason to visit your post.have you forgotten about the comments on your blog?remember the readers who comment on your blog. some readers may make regular comments, note those people…
“this is the technical side written about
in this article. it is demonstrated by the authors ability to develop a third eye to assist in seeing what your reader needs to see. it affects character development, story line, readability, and sales ability of a story. it is this
to make on the web site. with
wordpress though, you can easily add categories and display each category differently on your main page. with wordpress, publishing is much faster and more convenient.finally, with regard to copyrights and ownership of content, blogger can be pretty fr…
on.following the above mentioned guidelines and tops
will definitely bring on some fruitful results, be patient and focuses. for many years, the google adsense program has provided a steady income for those who have devoted their time to implementing it on their websites and blogs. it is a
have to and in blogging there’s no
difference.most of my blogs have been with wordpress. i’ve had a few with other companies too. wordpress provide a nice looking, easy to use blog. there are lots of templates and they have some good widgets, but the problem there, is
community. more developers are attracted to this
huge market for a simple reason – there are customers willing to spend money on their blogs.don’t misunderstand me, wordpress is a free blogging platform. you can install it without paying one red cent. the free themes, plugins and other options
place to explore the numerous websites in
it. majority of these sites are business sites that contain business blogs. if you are new in this field, there are many ways on how to be fond of it and somehow easy for you to get familiarize and be found.
you ask. writing a blog can be
about as easy as breathing. if you are writing about a subject that you are both passionate and knowledgeable about the writing is merely getting the knowledge out of your head and sent into the blogosphere. that sound pretty simple, and
is the big one and the one
i noticed most often with some blogs, it annoyed me to the point of never returning. page loads, some blogs have so many widgets and gadgets and too much content the page doesn’t load or it takes forever. sometimes the page
be good to check out whether the
site has high volume traffic movements and are doing well online.following the guidelines of the company after joining it is very important following the guidelines of the company that may be seo article writing company or just article writing company.…
both spell-check and grammar-check, but understand that
the computer does not catch all errors (is it there, their, or they’re?). they must proofread the final document before turning it serious problem in college writing, and even in high school, is the temptation to plagiarize. too many students
of questions that you have an expert
answer for. you can generate huge traffic to your own site by simply spending a little time helping people to solve their problems. all you would need to do is include a link to your site somewhere in the forum. just
to ignore this rule and put their
careers in peril. a historical fiction writer must understand that the people who lived generations ago differed in their attitudes, outlook, and even customs and beliefs. the historical fiction writer must get all the technological details accurate in…
can work with over the can
you teach a writer to write in your style?*show your writer a some samples of your own work. most writers should be able to get a feel for your personality and your “style” by reading several pieces that you’ve already written.*also,
not planning before you know it you
will be spending all day on the task and not achieving your up a followingfinally build a following around what you do. twitter followers, facebook likes and subscribers. that way you can be sure to bring readers back to your
and mustache growing/rocking/ride-giving.”honey, i shrunk the earls!you’ve
only got a 140 characters–yes, in addition to inanity, brevity is encouraged–so it goes without saying, you’ve got to maximize your tweet real estate (barely…able…to refrain from a bad contraction/pun here). with many urls reaching unruly, chara…
also add weight.4. social media – take
advantage of social media sites like twitter, orkut or facebook to create an awareness of your blog. you can use many other social sites to perk up your ranking in the search engine.5. archives – separate your contents by categorizing it do not have to spend hours
and hours on this but you should make sure that there is time invested. like anything else you must be willing to take a little time to market your blog. it’s a well-established fact that, as a blog owner, you really
rich in valuable information, and that it
encourages the readers to return and follow your blog posts. this is especially important if you want to make money from a blog. my advice is to try and update your blog as often as possible. start off by blogging short
to your website and are blogging regularly,
the chances of getting ranked highly in the search results is significantly improved. this is a fantastic way of attracting new readers – getting ranked in the search engines helps gain you expertise and credibility. blogging has become a very popular
writers with a college degree are preferred.
a degree in english would be ideal.6-above all, stay away from budget services that offer articles on the cheap, say an article for $5. you really get what you pay for. be willing to invest in a skilled writer who you
make the book marketable and successful-yet another
example that the marketing starts with the and writing cannot be separated. good writing is the best form of marketing to create word-of-mouth sales. marketing the book after it is written is important and can also lead to the book’s
is $50 for 50 articles. they must
be original and will check each article with copyscape.” be specific, use bullet points, state exactly what you want, how many paragraphs, how many words per article, are they “how to “, informative or both.using an outsourcing platform will give yo…
every single day to write and you
will become an expert some day. all the best! doing guest blogging is now considered one of the most powerful and most efficient way to drive traffic to your website or blog. it’s as effective as forum and blog commenting and
sale. if you have had any kind
of experience in anything related to trading or have done advertisement work, these experiences will help you tremendously on ebay.if you have some computer technical skills you can use them to your great advantage. it does not matter what particular t…
writers and readers to count. but not
all blogs and bloggers are created equal. if you’re a coach and business owner, like me and my clients, you have to learn what kind of blogger to be.consider which of these categories you fit into, and where you should be
habits for healthy skin — most writers
are comfortable with researching and writing on a wide variety of subjects. however, make sure you find freelance writers who have worked on projects of similar length, focus, and voice.3. interview multiple freelance writers the best way to feel comfo…
you do.commitmentonce you’ve started commit to it
and follow through all the way till the end. make sure you have some end goals and targets you’re aiming towards otherwise you’ll never be sure as to where you’re heading or how far your commitment has to go.learn from mistakesas
writing and learn to formulate a thesis
statement to bring the entire paper together.typical class many english composition classes around the country work around a community type base. a community type of a class means that students read their pieces of writing and get to hear constructive…
your language is using the appropriate terms
and the buzzwords which your audience will relate to.where your business writing skills will really come in to their own is when you have to explain fairly complicated concepts or situations in writing. obviously, you should be taking in to account
experimental work and generating cool and interesting
results, the writing stage is less fun but just as important, if not more, it’s better to try to write while also doing research. there are some parts of the write up that you can do while also doing experimental
question make sure you respond back to
them. also go to their blog & leave a comment as i have mentioned before this is a great way to start building trust & relationships.8) always trying to pitch a sale: your blog should be associated with your business but
Souls in the Waves
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wants to know about this topic. you know so much its almost hard to argue with you……… directory submission is a key component of seo required for all websites both big and small. [name removed] provides automatic directory submission services, au…
a blog site, you should be able
to have a very good societal image even if it is just a virtual reality you are working with. leaving quality comments on other blogs also help you increase traffic on your blog. join a discussion board forum related to your
traffic solely for an increase of income
and ignore your readers, your blog traffic will suffer. remember your readers come first. meeting the wants and needs of your blog readers is what will bring them back. enjoy what you write about, share information that benefits the visitors and
phrases; and • such contents that are
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along with synonyms and also antonyms, contextual
spelling. there is a text enrichment facility which suggests adjectives, adverbs that can improve the sentences. words which are correctly spelled but used in incorrect context can be detected easily and we can make corrections. our english vocabulary…
types, the best way on how to
monetize your blog is through text ads.banner ads another means on how to monetize your blog effectively is through banner advertising. this entails advertising with graphics and text. an affiliate system, advertising company or google adsense and the…
from them as well. this is one
topic that you can really take advantage of and write extensively. you are sure to get guests to your blog.mlm products – it is important for new members to know the kind of products, they will be selling to consumers and
should be reporting simply as having been
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to write on, first thing you need
to do is a proper research on that topic over the internet. always keep a pen and a paper handy so that you can note down the important points about that topic which you would like to cover in your post.after
public accountant. several of these courses can
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your specific topic (the topic of your
article or something similar) using google’s blog search on the left-hand side of the screen.i only use google search because i figure that if it comes up at the top of the serps for that keyword, it gets lots of traffic
it’s a good idea to take the
time to go through other blog posts that are relevant to your topic and leave comments with your url linking back to your site. make sure that your comment contributes to the conversation so that you don’t appear spammy, and this
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the great things that can come from
effective blog writing. all someone has to do is make a post with your blog in it to their 500 friends on a social networking site and boom; you have some hundreds of eyes that could decide to click on your
options still allow you to set up
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middle and high schools, students graduate without
ever being required to write a formal paper complete with footnotes or in-text citations, bibliography, and a well-organized presentation of the material. without good writing skills, those students who go on to college will struggle to succeed academi…
must have a plan and this is
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of philosophy, religion and culture. because technological
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will add value to your content. based
on my experience, your posts will have 95% chances of getting accepted if they have relevant images, illustrations, or graphs.resource box. take the time when writing your resource box as this will act as the gateway to your website or blog.
selling advertisements and products, soliciting contributions and
marketing their own blogs. selling advertisements may be one of the simplest ways to earn money online. a blogger sells space on his or her blog for people to advertise, whether it’s their services, businesses, or products. posting advertisements on b…
is not a good time?weekends aren’t a
good time to post status updates that you would like to be popular for a couple of reasons. for starters, most people have a tendency to go out more at the weekends and will therefore use facebook less, therefore fewer people
attract more visitors to your website.after writing
your article never forgets to spell check. a good article should be free from any grammatical, punctuation or spelling errors. any such mistake will ruin your reputation as a good writer and you will lose your aim of becoming of a
to spread the word about your new
post. surely your target audience will appreciate a well written blog post with interviews and examples.5. another tip would be to leave out any advertising. lets say that a new visitor decides to read your post. however, this visitor is upset
blogs are very easy to promote. lastly,
blogs are powerful influencers. given all these things, you can say that blogs are very effective marketing tools.if you are planning to use blogs in further promoting your company, you need the help of seo blog tips. these useful pieces of
a large following, to write for you
or feature your article on their site. build a network with other blogs to help you generate traffic to your site. post quality content as a way to reach out to consumers and build brand awareness. guest blogging is about building
Woman of Alien
Perfect work you’ve got done, this web site is de facto cool with great information. Time is God’s means of holding every little thing from taking place at the same time.
write a follow up email to check
the progress of your writing assignments. you can also use this chance to read the initial articles and give feedback as needed. this will definitely encourage your writer to produce better quality articles while he is taking note of your suggestions.i…
professional blogging is something that has really
taken off.what exactly is a ‘professional blogger’? in reality there is not one definition of a pro-blogger. pro-bloggers are those that are hired by companies to maintain blogs, there are also networks of pro-bloggers who seem to set the pace for
this sort of thing at the bottom
of each post. encourage sharing, and discourage stealing.each of these parts of a blog post is important and has a great deal to do with the appearance of your blog posts. most readers will quickly click away from a blog post
staff at the same time.secondly, encourage personal
journal keeping. this could be a private blog or a physical journal where people write down their thoughts about the negative aspects of their work and personal life. but if they do so, their emotions will be boosted – thereby improving
keyword and something related to your particular
specialization or brand. so it all ties together and you have some brand transfer between your blog and main, write a short post about your business. and for your second post you can write another few paragraphs about your business
it’s freeyou can install wordpress in literally
seconds. all the major web hosting companies out there have the installation built in to your web hosting account. simply go to cpanel > fantastico deluxe and there you’ll find the wordpress installation guide.there’s no limit to have many pages, sub…
and when you’re blogging, writing or speaking
with passion, people feel it.when people feel it, they respond to it – whether it’s by communicating back, sharing your posts, buying your product, whatever it may be – passion is infectious is a truly great gift to share with the