Real Obamacare Fallout



 ”An influential Democratic senator is now backing the push to restore insurance plans canceled due to ObamaCare, on the heels of a blunt critique from Bill Clinton on President Obama’s handling of the health care law’s rocky rollout.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said Tuesday she is cosponsoring a bill by Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., that would force insurance companies to reinstate canceled policies that Obama repeatedly vowed that people could keep.

“The Affordable Care Act is a good law, but it is not perfect,” Feinstein said in a statement. “I believe the Landrieu bill is a commonsense fix that will protect individuals in the private insurance market from being forced to change their insurance plan.”

The involvement of Feinstein in the push to restore canceled policies adds considerable pressure on the Obama administration to address those concerns. The president is rapidly facing questions and concerns from members of his own party about the law’s rollout.”

Trust me, I am as tired of writing about the greatest fraud heaped upon us by our deceitful government leaders as you are reading about it. But as each day presses up the next, we keep learning how bad this law really was. I hope that when the midterms roll around next year, we remember as a people who voted for this nightmare and vote them out.

I mean, how could you vote for something and not read it beforehand? Isn’t that a dereliction of duty and an abuse of power in the highest order, by Members of Congress of both houses, in violation of their oaths to uphold the Constitution? Can anybody say “Nancy Pelosi”?

And what about Bill Clinton? Why now is he backing away from his support of this total piece of garbage, when in September of 2012, he stood on the stage of the Democrat Convention and convinced the “sheeple” that this manure and slop was good for us and the greatest thing since sliced bread? Can anyone say “Hillary 2016″? I can’t.

And on September 6, didn’t Barry say that Bill Clinton should be nominated as the new “Secretary of Explaining Stuff”? Why? Didn’t he know Bill had an agenda to show he was a “team-player”? And why? Can anyone say “Hillary 2016″? I still can’t.

Instead, now Big Bill has to now explain why he thought it was good to support Obamacare in September but not so much now. Could it be that so many people, about 5 million, yes FIVE MILLION, have lost their health care since October 1, and now virtually every Democrat, including Bill Clinton, is calling on President Obama to do SOMETHING, ANYTHING, to fix this toilet paper of a law?

And, of course, this man of the highest arrogance, the greatest hubris, the absolutely worst President we ever had, refuses to listen to members of his own party. And the mouthpiece continues to spit out criticism of Republicans, when it is now the Democrats calling on the President to do something. Did Jay Carney not get the memo?

Soon, I think, the word “IMPEACHMENT” will fall from the lips of Senators and Congressmen, but it will be from Democrats, not a Cruz, Paul or Rubio among them. And at that point, Obama will no longer be a viable, working President, as if he is now. And there just might be enough Democrats in the Senate to convict.

And then, “Hillary 2016″ will be no more because President Biden will be fighting to save the Democrat Party from the onslaught of Governor Christie.