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Tech-savvy. That’s how the Obama campaign was described in 2008 by the mainstream media because everyone, including the candidate, was walking around and corresponding with Blackberry phones and other smart phones. In addition, every media outlet thought it was “miraculous” that the Internet could be used for fundraising, as if it had never been done before.

Then, as Obama the candidate became Obama the president, all the media was enthralled that suddenly there was an “Office of the President-Elect” created to release press advisories, to hold personal appearances and press conferences, and generally interfere with the goings-on of the constitutionally still in place Bush Administration. Which all seemed acceptable and permissible to the media, because there isn’t such an office discussed anywhere in the Constitution.

But, I digress.

This “tech-savvy” administration has had, really since January 20, 2009, plenty of time to develop, beta-test and iron out the wrinkles of the most advanced government program ever implemented. Five days, apparently, before the system went “live” the President, our Campaigner-in-Chief, was out on the hustings telling people to get ready to enroll in his signature masterpiece of legislation, that the government was ready, and that our panacea was finally going to be fulfilled.

Oops! Someone forgot to tell the President that the computer program didn’t work. And that’s not all. His mouthpiece, Jay Carney, has tried to weave and deflect away from the problems of the computer sign-on issues and blame, of all things possible, you guessed it, the Republicans and FoxNews for reporting the negatives and not any of the positives (?) of this program.

And the President? He is out there comparing the “glitches” in the system to those Microsoft or Apple experience after a release of a new product or an upgrade of an existing one. Ummm… Not the same, friends. Any “glitch” the tech giants may experience with a release isn’t preventing the user from using the product as intended. The fixes, which come within 72 hours after the initial rollout, generally enhance the product to work better, not to get it to just work.

As one who was responsible for my bank’s data processing division, I can tell you that I made certain to beat the bejeezus out of an upgrade in our “test bank” well before its due date. On May 15, 1999, we were Y2K compliant in our “test bank”, well before we were statutorily required to be by the FDIC, which was June 30. In addition, if any enhancement was required to be “patched in”, we went back and beat up the system again.

So, my questions are these: Who was responsible for this task in the development and testing of the Obamacare software? Anybody? No? Did this “tech-savvy” administration forget to assign someone to that part of the Obamacare computer program release task force? I guess so, because it’s the fault of the user for not knowing how to work it. Right?

Finally, perhaps it is time to admit failure and ask the American people for a do-over. It would be the right thing to do since most “tech-savvy” organizations would do the same. Or is he too proud to say, “I was wrong, it doesn’t work at all”?

I wonder…

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