Sadness In DC
On Thursday, a woman died as a result of driving recklessly in the capital district, crashing first at the White House barricades, and then apparently panicked when she saw the police and secret service chase her with guns drawn. She turned away quickly and raced toward the Capitol Building.When she arrived there after a police chase she crashed again through the barricades at the Capitol and was surrounded. Shots were fired at the car and she was killed. Fortunately, her two year old was not physically injured. But, because the woman suffered from untreated post-partum depression, this child will grow up without her mom.
So, what is my point here?Well, Rep Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) decided to get up on the floor of the House of Representatives to blame the Republicans and the government shutdown for this tragedy.
Speaking on the House floor hours after the incident, Jackson Lee said “rather than respond in a way that leaves” federal employees unemployed, the House should pass a short-term resolution with nothing attached to it in order to open the government.
I have provided a link of the entire story for your review:
Why do any of our representatives take to the Floor of the Congress, in either House, and try to link themselves or their agenda to every possible tragedy that befalls our country? It’s a shame that “linkage” is the way to go for our elected officials, rather than looking at the mirror and see the person who is really responsible for this mess we find our country.
Taking a senseless tragedy that has no bearing on both parties’ ineptitude to do their jobs is the height of hubris. But I suppose that if the President is able to get away with it, Members of Congress must feel that they are free to do the same.
And sadly, no one holds any of them accountable for their words or their deeds. When the free press fails to reveal the flaws and faults of our leaders, then it is no longer really free.
Then, it is a sad day for the Nation.
Well it like Harry Reid was asked if he had a choice to fund a dying cancer childs medical costs so she could live or the soldiers wages, He chose the soldiers.
THE DEMOTARDS have elevated their Blame Game and use it almost as much as ” THE RACE CARD” they have no facts to support their argument so they resort to point fingers….much like a 4 yr old at DAYCARE !!
Oh Texas….you must be so proud to have such an incredibly stupid loud mouth as your rep.
now now, don’t blame the whole state. she represents an amoral craphole of a district that is, you guessed it, mostly minority. She owns the district where some kid stabbed 4 others last month, killing one.
Oh Catherine… no! “WE THE REAL PEOPLE Of Texas” are not proud of This POS from Houston. I don’t get the chance to vote against this trash. She is voted in because of all the blacks that live in her district. We have 37 Reps in Tx. We all can only vote for the one that represents my district. You need to put HOUSTON into your post and not the entire State of TEXAS. Thank you very much.
NO she is a waste of oxygen but what do you expect from hoodrats
If there was a way that we could “lose” her we would, but she’s from a district that has exactly the right socio-economic make-up to keep her in office regardless of what she says or does. She could walk buck naked down Telephone Rd smoking crack and turning tricks, and they’d send her back to DC again and again and again.
NOT an exaggeration.
she did not even have a gun. why in hell did they shoot her? stupid obama police. shoot first ask questions later. impeach all of the congress and house and obama impeach and deport.
I totally agree, at this point the governors should take control of the government and impeach everyone of them including treasure, Clinton, (for treason) Obama(treason and terrorist acts against the people by funding terrorism and their governments.) Vice President for going along with Obama. every one congress,senate,legislation, and all court appoints judges of the supreme court that he has appointed. New laws for government. No lawyers can hold a seat in any of these offices, they will be provided room and board during sessions, No tv, no comp. no lobbyist. They will eat in the cafeteria of the dorms that is provided breakfast lunch and dinner. No more wine and dine for these people on taxpayers money. No more retirement plan for these people because they can only hold an office for no more than 8 years. All their assists will be frozen, including their investment until out of office. They can not go from state to state visiting other states on tax payers money. if they go on vacations it with the money they make. No flghts other than to Washington will be paid for by tax payers except in cases where they have to declare state damage emergencies for flooding weather damage ect. No more amendments or laws written where no one can understand them in plane English. Language is all English and no one who is not a citizen of the United States will get any Social security, food stamps or money from any bank institute loan or grants. No medicare or medicate, have to be citizens. Even if they are here on a green card the taxes will be taken out so if they want to file income tax they have to be a citizen of the U.S. other wise oh well. Their will be no more than one child born using medicaid from any woman regardless of race. After that they will have to pay for it. If you are on disability , food stamps, welfare, you will be randomly test for drugs. Of course those on disability will have to tell what medications they are on and how often they take it so that when it shows up it has to be with the limits in which is was prescribed. You want to get our government back, Well this is one way to do it where it is mandatory White house staff can be only 4 for president and 2 for first lady. of course a cook but it doesn’t have to be a chef, that paid over 250,000. Maid are already there so no extra. They need to have at least one that is CIA for so hear and see what is really taken place around there.One CIA agent assigned to President to tell them what they can and cannot do. And one to the First Lady for the same reason. No More $l.000,000.00 date nights for anyone unless it comes out of their pocket not ours. NO more Nancy Polaski bull shit vacations either.she as well should be impeached. NO more contracting China to do work and bring their on workers ever. The government of Russia, saved is butt from being impeached on the spot the other day. No more. He said what he said and that should have been the end of him. He has gone over congresses head way to many times and that is impeachable. Thank you for reading what I think. Plus each state is and should be responsible for its on borders…As for Texas we need to up forest stations with snipers from retired military every thousand feet and if any one crosses into Texas illegally, They get shot. Believe me it wouldn’t take but a couple of these things happening and no one would cross the line. Same goes for any other state which has this problem. , ,
Let’s change the name DemocRATS TO DumbocRATS. They blame everything bad on the RepubliCANS and take credit for everything good. Sorry bunch of Socialists,
Government is broke again. They were given $1,900,000,000 in Feb 2010. They done spent that. The were given $2,400,000,000 in Aug 2011. They have spent all of that too. Now thye are broke again!
We really have to start trying our darnest TO FIX STUPID before our country is goes to s^*t.
Look under DUMB BITCH in the Dictionary and her picture pops up….
Catherine, we are quite proud of our great freshman senator and well aware of the advertisement SJL is for the issues our inner cities face. The bigger story here is the execution of this woman for her crime of bad behavior behind the wheel and our failure to see her death as an execution. She was fleeing, not attacking, her car was a tool not a weapon.
You have to forgive her as she has a tendency to shoot her mouth off, long before her brain is engaged. Typical Democrat trying to expound on something that she has absolutely no understanding of! She had no idea the government was shut down until she got a call from one of her outraged constituents regarding the fact that there welfare check hadn’t come yet!
The idiot!
No different than what Tim Griffin said …… that the whole episode was caused by the violent rhetoric of Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. Idiots abound on ALL sides. Republican hands are no cleaner then Democrat hands ….. and Republican hearts are no less venal than Democrat hearts.
They want to make her head of Homeland Security, no kidding
If you want to do something,retrain the cops,there was no reason to kill that woman,they could have got the hell out of the way of the car,let her go,and picked her up at her house later.The police have been trained
(Brainwashed)as soldiers for this so called war on terror,and the fact is we dont need police like that,we need police that we can go to to help us with problems,but few citizens trust them anymore,and many down right hate them.
Because no one has ever been killed by a car. If she had killed someone, the cry would have been why didn’t they stop her before she killed! She was driving a loaded weapon.
It is shocking, how amazingly stupid some people are.
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha……. That didn’t take long did it? Leave it to Sheila Jackass Lee to blame White People, Republicans, Conservatives and The Tea Party for a crazed Black Woman being shot by Secret Service for ramming barricades at the Whitehouse and the Capital, while she screams that Obama is communicating with her and stalking her. Sometimes you just have to laugh at Ghetto Savages like Sheila Jackass Lee. Always comical…. always amusing.
Dang, everything she has said over the past few years shows that she is a hacked mental case.. How does she keep getting elected…???
SJL has always been a total loon. It is a wonder why anyone thinks this is news when she wigs out.
She is not a Texan. She is a carpetbagger that moved to that district to get on the Federal Tit. The dumbos that elect her do not even know this.
She left out blaming President Bush – I think maybe Obama is going to use that line..
I have to ask this…would this be an issue if the woman had been African American, somehow sadly I think NOT! As much as I would love to put this on the morons in office, it is not their faults. This lady could’ve done this anywhere, so don’t try to make it look like you care, because we all know this is just another way for you to tighten your grasp on your voters!!! Get off of this crap lasy and get a REAL JOB!!
She had untreated post pardum depression so if she had access to health care to get treatment this would have never happened…our mental health care is basically non exsistant in this country and you wonder why they are on the streets. Shooting up schools, ship yards, and movie theaters. I live in mass we have had to have romneycare (obama care but put in place by romney) and it has not ruined our state economy so get over yourselves stop acting like babys and sign the damn law. Both partys are to blame and nether care a ratsass for you unless you can line their pockets. Our govnment is broke and It is not going to get any better anytime soon. I think everyone in washington should be fired… term limits, all bills can only have 1 topic not this trying to attach unrelated topics to each other… no retirement, you have to participate in the same health system as the rest of the population, no lobiests special interest groups, cap on campaign spending you go over then tough your out. Your salary is now the avarage middle class salary.