Bulls, Bears and Elephants
Investors and institutions are cheering the decision to keep the “stimulus” going via the Fed’s program of quantitative easing, the printing of money. The S&P and the NYSE have reached yesterday levels not previously possible. This is a problem.
There are basically three markets that economists use to gauge stability in our fiscal and financial health: the job market, which unemployment has been at over 7% since mid-2008, the housing market, which has been in a six-year slump, and the stock market, which is no longer the place for a shy, small potatoes person to save his nest eggs.
Essentially, from my viewpoint as a banker and mortgage guy, housing drives the American economy. Many industries rely on a successful housing market: construction, home improvement; retail industries like carpet, appliance, furniture, auto; utilities like oil, gas, electric; and capital improvements like roads, bridges, schools. Even the building of malls and shopping centers rely on housing because if houses become vacant, soon the commercial center has no business and will close.
A good job market, dependent on housing to help create and retain jobs, should be no worse than 5.5% to be productive and booming. This happened best during the Reagan years when the economy had been a nightmare under President Carter. Even in the 1984 election cycle, when unemployment was down to 7.3%, there was confidence that the market would continue to improve. And it did. For years.
The stock market is the most volatile of these markets, and really the least important. Why? Well, people will save money with disposable income, income not needed to get by day-to-day. But people do not have disposable income if they are struggling with their rent or mortgage, and don’t have enough funds to get the necessities. Even 401-k investments are being cut because saving for retirement is not a priority for younger people. Paying down the student loan is far more important.
And, while it seems the Fed is helping the economy by its QE Programs, instead, the money is becoming worth less than before. Mortgage rates are rising, which makes it more difficult to purchase a home, which starts the cycle again: housing, jobs, stock. And the dreaded “I” word lurks nearby. Inflation is the elephant in the room that nobody wants to mention.
Eventually, in order to fight inflation, the Fed will be forced to raise rates. Or what will happen is that the dollar will lose any remaining value because there is too much money in the economy. And like it or not, all other currencies look to the strength of the American dollar for value comparison.
If the dollar falters, hyper-inflation will be the result. All countries will suffer and “free-trade” agreements or not, it will be every country for itself. Then, financial chaos will be rampant in the world markets.
All because investors were happy that the Fed announced that it would continue to print money.
in forums etc, all of which takes
time and effort.so once you start to actually break down the process of trying to make money blogging it can quickly become obvious as to why so many people who set out to be ‘bloggers’ simply give up. it’s not because
otherwise pass unnoticed. if you’re not really
interested in widgets, you’re not going to discover some great ways to maximize the value of your widget blog. you’ll miss great content ideas for your site. you can’t hope to see the best opportunities to profit if you’re not fascinated
- a little more complex, this huge
resource contains a very large number of pictures which come under various different licenses. you need to check with each image that it’s available for use, whether it’ available for use in commercial context, can be altered, or requires attribution…
soap boxpeople love to read about rants,
it’s always a safe bet to stay positive on your blog; however there is no denying that people love to read about something controversial. generally, you can just write about something that you don’t like, and people will show up and
writing on the article topic ‘good article
ideas’ makes sense for this target market. i can use this one piece of content in, oh, say… nine ways:1. submit it to high page ranking article directories, like ezinearticles. 2. submit to blogs targeting the writing market, or ones targeting
no choice but to write about that
certain topic. now the problem in this scenario is the tendency of a writer to poorly perform or refuse to write due to his lack of interest in the assigned topic. what should be done? be flexible like how a contortionist
as many are there are “experts”, both
bad (black hat seo) and good (white hat seo) and some that just border on myth. in this article we are going to look at some good honest seo tricks that will, as a matter of fact, improve your result rankings.
well-written. blog often, but make sure you’re
blogging something of interest. not only will new information keep your regular visitors from getting bored, it also keeps search engine spiders crawling your blog. search engines rank sites with recently updated information higher.4. follow famous peo…
holds an endless supply of treasures. the
secret to accessing these treasures is to relax and allow it to flow out of you without judging it. focusing on what you’re “supposed to” be doing to get it “right” is guaranteed to cramp your writing flow.so, how can a
years in a former british territory in
the west indies. five years in canada revealed that the language is much the same, but the marketing approach needs to be different.if you have been a heavy reader of materials from different english speaking countries, or have spent some time
you’re very upbeat and friendly, you don’t
want a writer who comes across as sarcastic and clinical in his writing.most professional writers should be able to write in a neutral sounding voice–professional, easy-to-understand, and helpful. you might not think they sound exactly like you, but y…
after you press the publish button.rss feeds
are also the important key to increase your web traffic. if you have a nice blog or website with a lot of useful content, you can ask readers to subscribe to your website to blog via rss to receive the latest
an hour. that’s pretty good, but if
i consider my business expenses, then the hourly wage i make is much lower.i find writing to be a very high roi activity, so i aim at making at least $250 an hour from it to cover the cost of my
well.the above list as you can see
is not comprehensive. it is however an insight into how you can generate income from the internet without much cash outlay. when mastered, it will builds up your confidence in you and at least prove to you the business is real
by word, all the way from the
end to the beginning. you’ll be surprised at what you can find – and grateful to catch it before an employer does.as you can see from this list, effective resume writing is no longer an option in today’s competitive job market.
keep you in rhythm with writing and
keep those thoughts freely flowing. playing your favorite music might help. it is a helpful way to clear and relax one’s mind. sometimes the stress and pressure of finishing a story, especially those that have dead lines, do harm to the
easy way to make money, but how
much time are you willing to spend doing it?another way to monetize your blog is by affiliate marketing. again, this has been very lucrative for some of the successful online marketers. however, they are well established and well known so what
links from similar sites in your field.
if you sell cars, a link from a computer software site will be of no use to you at all.one of the best ways of getting links is to write articles and get them published on websites such as the one
better and i bookmark that site to
either come back to or i subscribe to the rss feed so i don’t miss anything.once i have subscribed to the blog feed, unless they lose their way and start burying me alive, i rarely unsubscribe. i’m just like everybody else,
should be clear in understanding the purpose
of your blog. it’s quiet easy to make out the difference between real posts that have relevant topics and discussions, and other posts that are only meant to host a series of outbound links and where the content is not relevant.
to go for a cheap hosting company
however what they forget is that cheap hosting is not the same as best blog hosting. so it is essential that you make the best decision for your blog as its going to benefit you in the longer run. before choosing
your primary focus. here’s another tip for
getting traffic to your blog.2) forumsforum marketing is a great way to build a name for yourself on the internet, and is an excellent way to connect with friends also. but not only that, but you can get a ton of
part of great blogging. i put it
as my last tip as it involves a bit more to accomplish well. search engine optimization, seo, is making your blog search engine friendly so that it appears on the first pages of sites like google, yahoo search, bing, you get
your time to develop new business and
strategies, blog posting services providers will adequately address your submission needs. there are plenty of seo companies that provide superior blog posting services that are sure to drive quality traffic to your blog as well as enhance readership.w…
structured paragraphs.almost half of college instructors feel
that their students are poor writers. freshmen entering college have the worst time in their writing classes, especially, but also in many others courses. at some schools, over half of new freshman cannot get though their english composition courses se…
indexed fast. the trick to making this
work is to optimize content around a niche keyword for your industry.wordpress.com: this site has many nice looking templates that make your blog look very professional. you can also use it to set up your own blogging site and drive more
such posts are not recommended. many web
visitors and readers do not have time to read lengthy posts and many avoid such posts. keep your posts and straight to the point. most importantly, use a language that is easy for clients to comprehend and rest assured of the
blogs that get several comments is likely
to make your own be viewed by those interested in that market. you will acquire targeted traffic and visitors doing this, which is simple and also free.lastly, learn and use seo for your blog. seo is search engine optimization. if you
specific articles or reports, there are services
that are available to all those who would like to utilize them. one of the biggest aspects of writing that can set up, effectively advertise, or inform about a business or service is getting the right amount of details in the
try to copy someone; rather be natural
in your writings. everyone has this talent, all you need is, just to polish and improve your writing skills. so, just be natural and keep writing. after writing a piece, try to find your mistakes. for this purpose, you can consult
1968 during the cold war, you control
troops and try to stop the russians from succeeding in world domination. there’s just so much more in this game then most others.the game-play is pretty much like the other call of duty’s except in this one its running, jumping, crouching,
blood to create articles otherwise you run
the risk of making your blog look bland and washed-up.so there you have it. these are the top reasons why outsourcing your blog articles is a wise move, even for experienced bloggers. now what you need to do is to look
track of a writer’s work.6. pagebreeze -
a free visual (wysiwyg) and html tag/source modes that creates websites instantly. this is a must for promoting a writer’s work on the internet.7. photo razor – a simple tool that re-sizes photos without cropping them.8. edit pad lite – advanced
you can always ask for a rewriting
and you do not need to pay the outsourced worker until you are completely satisfied with the quality of the work.
make yourself a lot of money.people will
pay a high price for quality writing. this is because people who have mastered the written word are a hot commodity. as a writer, you will be able to manage your writing and make sure that you are renewing your creative
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practical tips for hiring the best wordsmith
for your publication needs.first of all remember what works for general shopping deals doesn’t work so well when it comes to creative professionals like writers. this means, don’t go looking for a one-size-fits all type of individual – there’s no ge…
job will be in the company’s best
interests.your objective statement should be part of accomplishing this goal. so you have a blog site and would like to market it and turn it into a successful blog. how would you make this happen? how will you go about getting
on a company’s behalf by experts and
seo copywriters who know the importance of quality content. you can also write your own posts, and many blog owners are taking it upon themselves to keep their blogs running and updated. this type of writing is usually informative and the
business professionals need to think more thoroughly
about their audience. what kind of people might comprise their audience and what their needs and expectations are? identifying the audience early in the writing process will help determine what kind of information they need and how much they need to
thoughts with the world, and can even
help you earn a living! what started out as a hobby can actually be transformed into something you can make money from, and many of the people who’ve achieved this are making waves both online and offline. john chow, for example,
password and then check to agree with
the terms of service then select the “gimme a blog” bullet and click next.if the wordpress informs you that your username has been taken, you just simply create a new one and try gain.next thing to do is choosing a domain
you need to extract your creative juices
into your writing. do know that creativity could be considered the opposite of boredom. no body wants to read a dull write-up. so be creative but not compromising being concise and factual, unless you are writing a fiction. recession is a
all of them. you can also post
comments to other blogs and just be lucky enough to get one with do-follow comments. another way of getting quality backlinks is through writing a guest post. just find a big blog you like, similar to yours and email for a
happen to you. i suggest that you
write very clean blog posts and focus on the topic at hand.6. pillar articles are great for content. to make your blog stand out from the crowd, write pillar articles. these articles are designed to help someone solve a problem. they
simple truth has gotten buried… writing a
good article is still the best way to build traffic, gain a solid reputation, and take your online success to new heights.having been an article writer and marketer for over a decade, i can tell you with certainty that the best
rules the world of search and owns
blogspot, a free blogging site where you can write content rich blogs and incorporate videos from youtube. you can also share revenue from advertisements displayed by google’s adsense service for publishers and google will even train you to do this.if…
first place and then look to fulfill
other objectives, such as wikipedia.all these guidelines could be seen as general guidelines. to ensure that one can write good quality web content, one need to devote a lot of time to reading quality contents, practice a lot, and write contents
guest blogger. it can save you tons
of headaches, and it keep you from getting bitter.because truth-be-told, after hearing, “can i reprint this how-to?” or “can i use this image?”… free of charge… for the hundredth time, you’re going to get a little testy. and you could quite
writing is not just following grammar rules.
an impressive written work intrigues the reader, flows effortlessly off the tongue, and is easily understood the first time. if you’re looking to improve upon your technique, here are some valuable tips that you should know.• don’t keep the read…
to keep blog readers returning for more
is to understand who reads your blog and write content that is targeted to them. if your readership is mainly business people then you will want to use more formal professional language and concentrate on ways to help improve their business.
not always be that great but they
are trying to improve it. the pricing is also very cheap and affordable.immotionimmotion hosting has great support technically and they don’t have a lot of downtime on their servers and many people appreciate this.greengeeksgreengeeks has its name for…
up some of the myths about blogs
and explain the best blogging platform and why you should use it.there are two types of blogs around, those that are free and those which are paid. the free ones will be owned by a third party and can’t be branded
site / blog, you have to apply
for google adsense account. once your adsense application is approved, just put ads on your web pages and you are ready to earn money online.cautions: i request you to strictly follow the google adsense guidelines and rules, other wise your application
web page layouts, they’ve begun to learn
which parts of the page are the most valuable. it just so happens that since most websites place advertisements on the top, left, right, and bottom of a webpage (overkill!) the “guts” of a web page are usually in the center.
seo writer!looking for an seo writerthe first
thing to consider when you want to hire a web writer is how much help you need. if you are pretty familiar with all of the seo strategies and you just need the writing done you could probably go with a
your thoughts and ideas more focused, which
results in more powerful writing and also makes for better search engine results.if you title your blog with specific keywords tied to a theme, it will attract more readers to your blog. focusing your blog will make it more interesting to
many people are confused about the notion
of what it means to blog versus what it means to create content. think about the two as different sizes of plastic containers. blogging fits neatly in the smaller container.content creation covers a much broader range of writing than blogging does.
softwares available and it would be advisable
that you select one of those. it is wise to save time by skipping non user-friendly software. even if you believe you have the best blog software, you still need a very good support team to answer your questions. in this
making things more complicated adds confusion. you
can focus on simple, basic tasks, and improve the quality of your articles. it takes you less time, making you more productive. likewise, your content is more easy to follow for the readers. in order to make a step back to
it used constantly, but i will not
“utilize” it. why? because i can use “use” instead.too often, well-meaning english teachers encourage students to improve their vocabularies. one does not improve his vocabulary, however, by pulling words he never used out of the thesaurus or dicti…
point. you closing paragraph should reiterate the
main points of the post as well as some sort of call to action for your readers. whether this is an invitation to leave a comment or ending with a question you are providing an urge to do “something” to your
of traffic you get. one of the
most important aspects of having a successful blog is simply doing it…!and therein lies the real problem in choosing blogging software. if you settle on a blogging program which is “great for seo”, but you find cumbersome and difficult, your motiva…
mean a lot of different things for
a lot of different people. you can write in a variety of contexts but all of them require you to have a firm grasp oh how to compose your writings. this quick guide will show you how to become a better
amount of money online, and when they
see how it easy it can be, they multiply their efforts, or add more potential streams of income, which then in turn leads to even more success. passive income might not come right away, but by continuing to do the proper,
bad news is… well, there aren’t really
any bad news.find the best keywordsif you have a regular group of readers, who visits your blog daily, you don’t have to worry too much about keywords in your headline. your blog title could be just anything you like, even without
articles i’ve ever written have also been
the best performers in terms of gaining my site backlinks and traffic. a good article will continue bringing in visitors for months – even years – after you wrote it. writing an article that you’ve just thrown together often ends up
you, they will surely help you promote
your blog.building relationships – guest blogging or getting guest bloggers for your site builds relationship. it also increases your network and your audience.as part of a marketing strategy, you want to guest blog on sites that have high traffic and…
businesses literally have no way to attract
search engines and generate web traffic. so you walk in the door from a hard-core, vigorous workout at the gym and the minute you walk past the kitchen, those cravings start up. the fact is that you should be eating a
of building a blog then always remember
that you are targeting the universal market, so pay attention to the various content ideas to attract visitors to get the benefits of reading your blog. the best way to set your blog stand up to the other blogs will be
the articles you write. when you use
relevant keywords, it can also help in getting search engines online to list your website in their top rankings.don’ts of a good article* do not try to fit in every bit of information about your topic in the same article. it
use elance to find original content writers.
this is a great source for content writing assignments.2. real writing jobs – realwritingjobs.com is a leading source for content providers. partnering with 1000s of well known employers, users will be able to work from home doing short blog posts, wri…
writer you were meant to be. why
not start now? a blog is essential to maximizing your online presence, but if you don’t take the time to keep your blog updated and exciting, you aren’t living up to your full potential. taking the time to come up with
article is called effective article writing -
how to write a good article. so if someone goes to google and types in how to write a good article, it will most likely be directed to this article in the search results.2. aim for quality rather than quantity. a
tasks.however, you will find that the writers
around you will ask you for such a high price that, most of the time, you either keep the writings pending or you simply do a rough write up which definitely is not going to be interesting for your audience. the
can not enter your giveaway if they
don’t know about it. simply posting a giveaway is not enough to get massive numbers of entries. you need to promote it. at the very least, be sure to submit your blog giveaway information to some of the larger giveaway directories
share it with your eager audience.parallel comparisonsfind
a hot trend that is outside of your niche and compare it to something inside your genre. you can write about the popularity of people like harry potter or taylor swift and how they use the same methods that you recommend
traffic using these methods: guest posting: find
a blog to do a guest post for. prepare the guest post beforehand and then ask whether the blog owner can publish it. blog commenting: go and find a handful of relevant blogs and write meaningful comments. forum marketing: find some
you are a print magazine, you are
sure to also have a blog that will require fresh blog posts on similar topics as presented in the magazine issue and if your chosen writer can switch between both print and web styles easily, you have a good match for
from anywhere at anytime. in this article,
you will be introduced to some of the simpler and more lucrative money making ways on the internet.ebay is one of the money making sites available on the internet. begin by selling some of your old unwanted items and with time,
advertising should be secondary and not all
“above the fold”. the layout of your page should also entice a visitor to read your entire article without being distracted by flashing banners, dozens of links and annoying pop-ups.sharingif you write excellent content people will want to share it w…
will have a veritable community of loyal
followers who all share your interest and offer commentary on your posts. and above all, your business blog becomes a relevant and valuable asset to your business. it’s true that talented writers can live with a pen and paper and go
this will help create interesting content. then
slowly explore the tools needed to make your blog stand out.your work doesn’t end when your blog is finally set up. after this process, you need to find ways to promote it. you want people to take notice and this will
writing can be very lucrative when done
right.developing writing skills will take time and practice. however, it’s well worth the time and effort you put into it. so what can you do to get your articles listed higher on the search results? here are just a few of
do not want to be involved in
direct selling, try affiliate marketing as a way to make money online fast. here, you don’t have to sell anything; you will just help people or companies to promote their products, business, services or site. there are a lot of affiliate
in itself a tremendous undertaking, but i
also know that when it comes to writing a book, you can’t define the writing as the horse and the marketing as the cart. if anything, it’s probably the other way around-the marketing is what pulls the book, what brings it
message is? don’t know who your target
market is? not clear on what your product actually does? get some clarity now.being crystal clear on what it is that you have to offer, what the problem is that your product or service solves, and who has that problem is
think you need some sort of website
but don’t have the budget, you should consider creating a wordpress blog. or you could use one of the many free blogging engines like blogger.com. when done correctly, you can make your blog look very close to a customized website. if
to make a good income. make sure
to sign up to a good online marketing course, so you’ll get the information and tools you needaffiliate marketerdo you want to promote online product for commission? do you have enough self-discipline to work without clients or a boss? can you
to look professional.urls such as yourwebsite.wordpress.com/yourentry doesn’t
look professional and it’s difficult to remember. to get a free blog with wordpress.com, you are telling your audience that your blog is just a hobby.to get your own url or domain such as yourwebsite.com for example, you need a hosting
want to have the distinction of being
tagged with the great honor of having the best blog design? not only does it become a great source for immense pride but it also will catapult your blog site to high page ranks and open up a lot of channels
resume needs to be something you can
prove. if you can prove you are a highly talented and results-driven professional in your field, go ahead and say it. otherwise, find a better way to present yourself. maintain a balance between presenting your abilities in a positive way and
visitors. as you work on marketing your
blog, and add more quality posts, you will see your readership increase gradually.once you have achieved a steady amount of readers, and have a substantial amount of quality posts, you will want to apply for a google adsense account. because google
basic layouts of your website, are also
available for free from loads of different pages.so the self-hosted version of wordpress is fully customisable and has plenty of add ins available. and it is free. what can be better?the downside of wordpresswell, for some people, the process of a
the successful online marketers. however, they are
well established and well known so what chance do you have of competing with them.you need to get your brand well known and become established in your field, you need to be known as an expert in that field.another way to
they are interested in having a guest
post from you. if they e-mail you back then they are most likely interested. keep in mind that not everyone will e-mail you back. you will get direct traffic to your blog by putting a link at the end of your
and great information to share. obviously, you
need to have above average writing skills and in-depth knowledge in your niche so you’ll easily get noticed. it’s important that you know the most effective ways to communicate your thoughts and ideas using written words. if needed, hone your skills
you can use 3 types of headings:
heading 1, heading 2 and heading 3. make sure that headings to have the main keywords.on the other hand, you can highlight some important words or phrases, words that are much likely to be searched over the internet.paragraphs should not contain
internet “fame.”when your blog is attracting many
readers per day, you can then use it as a kind of online billboard advertising your writing services. you just need to put an ad in the panel saying that you are available to write articles and blog posts for other
to make your writing creative. you can
post pictures of yourself, your band, or your adored musicians so that you will be inspired all the time. embellishments can also add up beauty and depth to your song books. creativity is an important aspect in song writing. start your
b, you’ll never reach point b. being
a precocious student (but not particularly good at math), i challenged this theory.the teacher did exactly the right thing in response. he had me come up to the front of the room and face a wall about 10 feet away. then
online sources.hope this article will help you
put your first step in online business. you may have heard about many peoples making millions through internet, you can also be one of them, but you need to be hard working and skilled person, keep learning and earning because “slow
the great things that can come from
effective blog writing. all someone has to do is make a post with your blog in it to their 500 friends on a social networking site and boom; you have some hundreds of eyes that could decide to click on your
you know, platform may be your own
website (well, you can start your own if interested, as it will cost you just your few days of pocket money) or free blog on blogger.com or wordpress.com where you can post your content articles. once you are ready with your
provide conversational support, or if the company
wants to provide the vendors with information quickly.ii) create a link around anywhere in the body of the blog. link your blog to the company website while fixing the aim of blog. but, how do you know if your blog matches
post as often, you’ll lose readership.if you
start posting more often, your readership will take this as the norm and when you go back you’ll lose readers. so, i’ll say it again, stick to a schedule!now let’s get down to business. how to write a successful blog.finding the
the project. however, as time goes by
and you begin to build a reputation as an accomplished writer you’ll be able to earn much more.writing rates online run from $0.10-$.40 cents a word depending on the topic, the client, and your experience. in recent years, competition has been
equivalent of writing a really, really boring
story. it is important that you detail everything you did, but not overstate it. this is because with federal jobs, they will check your references, and will check you confirm that you actually completed what you said you did. (not that
than one of your articles at a
time, so there’s not much opportunity for comparison. with that said though, if your really want to have a writer who “sounds like you”, there are some things that you can do. here are some article marketing tips to help you
that you publish with frequency, and that
you don’t give up when the chips are down. overnight successes do not exist. behind each success story, there is a tale about years of struggle and effort until at last success is found. don’t buy into the myth that you
will go anywhere. your blog can hold
the most entertaining story in the world, but wouldn’t gain much in the way of readership if it is poorly written or doesn’t flow well.even if you aren’t an undergraduate in language, it is still possible to learn enough to ensure
your own internet business… aside from using
affiliate programs. no matter the case, you should start using adsense in your business right away.so even if you know nothing about html, scripting, or inserting code into your blog, you don’t have to worry – blogger takes care of all
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