Cindy Sheehan to Run For Governor of California as a Socialist
Citing President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela as her inspiration, self-proclaimed socialist windbag Cindy Sheehan, says she’s going to run for governor of California
Liberal activist Cindy Sheehan, the activist mother of a slain Iraq solider who ran as the vice presidential candidate for the Peace and Freedom Party alongside Roseanne Barr, announced last week that she’s throwing her hat in the ring for a shot at being the next governor of California.
Speaking at a Green Party rally in Wisconsin, Miss Sheehan proudly declared that she’s a Socialist, and she’s “not going to be ashamed to say it,” first reported.
“One of my biggest inspirations is President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela,” she added, receiving applause. “He convinced [citizens] that they could take power into their own hands and work with him to improve their own lives, and that’s what happened.”
“And so that’s my inspiration. Getting everybody involved,” she said.
H/T Stix Blog
Will SOMEONE please tell this idiot her 15 minutes were up YEARS ago?
You go, girl!! No, seriously, go. Now. Far. Don’t come back. Really. Go.
Another reason to be glad I moved out of California! Too many freaks!!!
You have to be crazy to live in California anymore. The socialist zombies are taking over.
I hope she wins in California!!! I SO hope she wins and wins BIG!
THAT WAY, once her policies are implemented, people can finally see socialism for what it really is…. the END and DEATH of freedom.
Maybe, just maybe (but highly unlikely), the libs in California will finally FREAKING open their eyes!!!!!!
She’ll probably win, The communists have taken over the California coastal area and have ruined the most beautiful and productive State. I used to live there and am so ashamed of this state. The central valley is overruled or ruled over by the communist left.
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to a professional writer; someone who loves
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content addresses your target market’s needs, the
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a grammar book or just review your
written piece. it will help you to identify your mistakes. once you know your week points, now you can work on them for improvement.once you are done with all this, now you have to develop your unique writing style. everyone has
is enough to garner sufficient attention.all said
and done, article writing is something, which must come from within. our articles must be so powerful that they must actually transport the readers to the imaginary world that we wish to create. if you want to be a good writer,
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individual articles on a blog are called
“blog posts,” “posts” or “entries”. a person who posts these entries is called a “blogger”.a blog can be a powerful marketing and communications tool, which helps companies communicate better with customers, suppliers, partners, shareholders, a…
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often have a team of dedicated writers
who specialize in different content fields. they have varying levels of expertise that helps produce exceptional quality content for all your needs. this is far much beneficial than hiring a single in-house writer.another benefit of outsourcing content…
and marketing strategies. this is because marketing
enables you to achieve the desired web traffic so as to enhance profitability. blog posts are great for achieving your web ranking goals. however, it is essential to know how to write posts that are functional. one of the key factors
story line is made up of words
- scripts someone, somewhere, has put together.writers are in high demand. it’s a career move that’s never going to be diminished regardless of how technology changes or advances, regardless of where the future takes us – words will always be needed.
present and forgets that he’s “grading” an
assignment, you’ve won.5. revise, revise, and revise.effective writers – writers who are read – re-write and re-write many times. the best approach to re-writing, of course, is to find someone else, someone with a critical eye and a tough skin, to
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a purpose and your readers also browse
through your blog posts with some purpose.therefore, it definitely helps if your blog posts stick to that predetermined purpose which might be to inform or entertain or assist or inspire or educate. irrelevant posts don’t usually find takers.your blog…
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will accrue if the members of a
team of writers enjoy harmony, mutual cooperation and excellent communication among themselves. through continued feedback to one another, the team of writers persistently improves the script being composed and also one another. beginning a weblog is o…
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your niche or even the entire internet if you are that ambitious! in most cases it begins with creating something interesting to read for site visitors since this is the only way you will get more blog traffic. however it often
it. make sure it makes sense and
flows logically. check for spelling and grammatical errors. edit your post before publishing it if necessary. if time permits, have a friend look over a post you think is particularly important and get feedback. this is how you make a good
the summary to show you how you
reached a conclusion on what you wrote about. at this point, it can be an opinion or conclusive based on the facts outlined in the essay.there is nothing that irritates a teacher more than reading an essay filled with typos. leave
application. a few blog site applications are
only offered through designers hosts either for free or at a fee. in such scenarios, the service might provide exclusively blog hosting. in some other circumstances, the application might be used in order to upgrade remote weblogs which have been hoste…
here’s the thing, you could too! you
see, there is a secret ingredient to driving quality traffic and you must learn how to utilize it properly in order to make it work.follow these easy steps to increase website traffic with blog post writing:pick a hot topic to write
optimized using relevant keywords plays a huge
role in achieving online business success. it not only promotes a business’s brand image but also increases visibility for online businesses. it also serves as an effective communication medium with website visitors.most online businesses are opting t…
will convince them to check your website
too. another good tip is to write good quality content. remember that your articles will be exactly like a business card. people will not have the confidence to visit your website if they don’t like your article. try to write about
post should not be more than 600
words. suppose what you are about to write can not be clearly expressed by that number of words, you had better divide it into several posts.thirdly, the contents in your blog play a king role. instead of the gorgeous graphics or
themselves. in fact, writing is only 20-30%
of the work, the rest is all marketing!do you have a favorite quotation?i don’t have the exact quote, but in one of his old books stephen king said that he writes like some people overeat – that is compulsively.but more recently,
post.this is a great way to sell
your products. there are many people online making a nice income with their blog. they make money with google adsense, their own products, affiliate products, resale rights products, and even advertising hosting space. once your blog becomes popular, y…
a time deadline and teachers generally give
some leeway in this situation. but with other writing there is no excuse and often it’s this last effort – the editing – that makes your work impress.when editing, you need to be your own critic because if you’re not, someone
simple truth has gotten buried… writing a
good article is still the best way to build traffic, gain a solid reputation, and take your online success to new heights.having been an article writer and marketer for over a decade, i can tell you with certainty that the best
good writing brings to the table.once you
lay out the benefits, begin explaining why you are the writer they need. let them know the value you can bring to their business. show them how their traffic will increase and their revenue will increase when they hire you to
an article that they can’t understand. leaving
out big words will ensure that you keep their attention and get them to click through to your website. make sure that your content flows easily through each section. remember, the more simply your content is, the better chance you have
keyword phrases that people would use to
find the information that you are writing about. also, it would be wise to offer some free giveaways in your content as this will surely gain the trust of your readers. however, if your giveaway isn’t good enough, don’t use it.
/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/and allow the customizable permalinks. don’t worry;
this is a commonly used, search engine friendly url. hiring a freelance writer can be a daunting task. there are literally hundreds of freelance writers out there, hailing from more countries than you’d likely expect. the pay range varies wildly and
company.expand your audience – interesting blog posts
have the potential to reach new readers that are interested in your services or products. these readers are unlike the ones that are reading traditional advertisements or even your company’s website. so write content that enables your readers to bette…
equivalent of writing a really, really boring
story. it is important that you detail everything you did, but not overstate it. this is because with federal jobs, they will check your references, and will check you confirm that you actually completed what you said you did. (not that
involves the business or the brand. keeping
the personal element ensures that there is more to the post than just product promotion – and frankly reading product promotional material is not really that entertaining.aim to maintain a consistent presence on your blog – it will keep you readership
own words is a crucial part of
college, even if you are not an english literature major.many high school graduates enter college without much experience or knowledge of researching. not every high school requires student to write research papers, and therefore freshman come to colle…
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